
Student Corner


Public Speaking Competition: An opportunity and an Experience
- Shreya Sitaula - 20014, Grade ... 17 July, 2018

One of the most active organizations of Nepal, Lions and Leo club of Chabahil, organized a public speaking competition entitled “Next Speaker of Nepal.” It was an inter-school competition with a daylong workshop where all the participants were taught about the important skills for a better public speaking. The workshop was followed by the competition held on 1st June, Friday in Bagmati Boarding School.

More than seven schools of Kathmandu valley participated in the public speaking competition. Three students from each schools participated in the competition making total number of participants twenty-eight. The big and shiny trophy made all the participants excited as well as nervous. All of the participants aimed to take the trophy home. The competition started with the first round where all the participants were allowed to choose their own topic and speak for four minutes. All the participants performed well. In the second round all the participants were showed a random picture and given three minutes for describing the picture. Likewise, in the third round we had to choose a paper. The chosen paper consisted of the topic we had to speak and 30 seconds time was given for preparation. Some of them spoke well while some of them were unable to just to speak a word also. In the third round, my topic was “If I become a Ghost.” The topic was something really unexpected. However, I was able to make the audience laugh, and they appreciated my idea. At the end, Aashika Parajuli from Daffodil Public School was declared first, Kripa Bhandari from Apex school stood second, and Sanshi Pokhrel from Bagmati Boarding School stood third. Though I did not win the competition, I was really happy that day.

This competition was a great platform for me. I made new friends and I learned about various topics. That day I understood why winning is not mandatory. Though the winner took the trophy, we got the same knowledge and experience. Also, I understood that there should not be any boundaries, at least in our thinking. We should be open-minded and should not be bounded by anything because success is always beyond the boundary. Furthermore, winning the trophy is not always important. Winning the hearts of the people is rather important. The world was really different from my perception. Today’s world is full of competition.

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