
Student Corner


Brain Drain and Nepal
- Rhiten Giri - 28026, Grade VI ... 12 March, 2024

Brain drain is the emigration of qualified people that go from the place of origin to the host

country. This is a major problem for Nepal as a lot of teens and adults who are skilled and

qualified are going to other countries. The reasons for migrations are poor living standards,

political disputes, not enough economic growth, and poverty. 


Effects of Brain Drain

Brain drain is the decline of skilled people, reduction in tax collection and revenue for the country, decline of future entrepreneurs, low literacy rate for the country, etc. Some positive aspects of brain drain are better work opportunities for the migrants, more remittance for the country and more foreign transactions. Small nations must address brain drain by increasing labor conditions, funding research and education, and fostering a sense to attract skilled individuals and support local growth, despite limited national funds.


Solution to problem 

The solution of this type of problem would be very complex as the country cannot change

overnight neither can the perspective of the citizens of the country can change overnight so it

would be a long and lengthy process for the solution of this kind of problem but the government

can implement a temporary solution before moving to the permanent solution. If the country

does not go for the temporary solution, there would be no one left to see the permanent solution

as there would already be a lot of people that have already gone to another country. Thus because

of this the immediate action that the government should take is to find that temporary solution

which is the best for the people and implement it as soon as possible. 


As a temporary solution they could improve the mindsets of the people. An all-encompassing and methodical approach is needed to address the brain drain issue. To draw in and keep qualified workers, governments must prioritize fostering a pleasant workplace culture. Providing competitive pay, better working conditions, and chances for professional progression are all part of this. To allure one's native nation, it is imperative to invest in infrastructure related to research and education. Skilled workers may be encouraged to stay or come back through incentive packages like tax cuts and research funding. An atmosphere that is prosperous at home may be achieved by supporting entrepreneurship and professional networking through supportive legislation. Along with encouraging cooperation in research and development, governments should work together internationally. As the permanent solution they could provide more facilities, improve economic growth etc.


In conclusion, brain drain can be a problem but brain gain is an opportunity.


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- Ojaswini Lama - 29019, Grade ... 12 March, 2024

प्रकृति रमाइलो, सुन्दरताको साथी,

हिमाल, पहाड र तराई, प्रकृतिकै  विशाल साथी।

हरियो रङका डाँडा, खुसीले भरिएको बगैचा,

किरणहरूले चमक  सुन्दरताको सुन्दर भाग।


फूलहरूको रङमा रमाइलो सुरुवात,

गहिरो निलो आकाशमा उड्ने पुतलीहरूको साथ ।

पानीको झरनाले गर्दै बगिरहने कलकलाउँदो,

प्रकृतिको सुन्दरताले मनमा बसाउँछ रङ्ग  भरिलाे ।


साना साना पशुहरू, फूलहरूको खेल,

चराहरूको चर्चित, खुसीले भरिएको खेल ।

हरियो रङको बारी, गर्दै बगिरहने वन,

प्रकृतिको सुन्दरताले बढाउँछ सबैको मन ।


हिउँले ठुलो पहाड छाडेर,

बिहानी उठेर निस्कन्छ धूपको तारा।

जाने र आउँने बदलिने रमाइलाे  मौसम,

प्रकृतिको सुन्दरताले भरिएर दिनचर्यामा रमाउँछ झन्


माटोका रङहरूले भरिएर बस्छ यहाँ,

फूलहरूको गन्धले छैन त्यो खाली जहाँ ।

झरना, नदी र ताल अचम्मका  साथी,

प्रकृतिको सुन्दरताले बढाउँछ खुसी 


धेरै छैनन् शब्दहरू मेरो अभिव्यक्ति गर्न,

पर्याप्त हुन्छ यो छोटो चित्रण

 प्रकृतिको मनोहारी सुन्दरताको।

आफ्नो मनमा बसाउँछ यो अनुभव,

फूलहरूले हामीलाई हर्ष ल्याउँछन् 

प्रकृतिमा सजाउँछन् ।


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- Prasiddhi Dangol - 28009, Gra ... 11 March, 2024

हिँड्छु म केही उद्देश्यबिना,

यो पीडाबाट निस्कने केही बाटो,

तर के गर्नु,

हरेक ठाँउमा भरिएका छन् छ पीडा,

स्वर्ग कस्तो होला भन्ने लाग्थ्यो,

तर भेटाइनँ मैले कहिल्यै,

खोज्थेँ म केही, तर थाहा भएन 

एउटा बाटो,

यस्तो बाटो जुनले मलाई खुसी बनाओस्,

जीवनको सुन्दरता देखाओस्,

तर कहिल्यै भेटिन मैले,

अरू अनुसार मेरो जीवन थियो एक कथा,

मानिसले कल्पना गरेझैँ,

तर मैले देखिन यसको आस्था,

सधैँ उठ, यो गर, त्यो गर, 

कसैले सोधेन कि म के गर्न चाहन्थे,

सबै आ-आफनै स्वार्थले कुरा गर्थे,

आफूलाई फाइदा हुने बाटोतर्फ धकेल्थे,

तर एक चोटि पनि मलाई म के गर्ने सोधेनन्,

तर अब म बिझ्छु,

मानिस जत्तिकै असल हुन खोजे पनि,

कहीँ न कहीँ, कता न कता,

छ  त्यो स्वार्थी,

यसकै बन्धनबाट नै मुक्त हुन,

खोत्दै छु म एक बाटो,

तर भेटाउँला कि न भेटाउँला,

त्योसँग मेरो केही सम्बन्ध छैन,

बस् म मुक्त हुन चाहन्छु।


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Life is Hard
- Suvani Karki - 29055, Grade V ... 11 March, 2024

“I’m sorry mom, I could not make you and dad proud. I finally understood life is Hard, yes it is.” These were the words written in the letter. Ava’s mom had found this letter under Ava’s bed’s pillow. Ava’s mom did not understand a word since she was not wearing her glasses. But when she did see the written words. She regretted it.


Ava was a 17 year old girl living happily with her family. Her father, Ramnath was a police officer, he often was posted near the valley. But for a few months, he had been posted to far districts. So, Ramnath decided that his family will not go where  he goes. So, he called his family and told them to come to Kathmandu and live with Anjali and Ava. This was the first time Anjali and Ava had a permanent residence. They were not used to this. Ava always demanded to visit new places but, since in the absence of her father she could not. 


Anjali was always occupied with her in-law’s. Anjali used to be so tired by the evening that the only thing she could think of was sleeping. Ava had her own room. A huge room. But usually, it's a bit messy. She used to get scolded by her mother but she didn’t care. She always wanted to be a model. A famous one. Who had her own car, a huge mansion and many more lavish items. But she never had the courage to say it to her parents. Anjali and Ramnath wanted their daughter to be a doctor or an engineer. But Ava’s wish was completely opposite. 


28 January was Ava’s birthday but Ramnath could not make it. It was Ava’s 18th birthday. Ava had planned that she would tell her parents and her family about her passion but, since Ramnath was not there she didn’t say it. Was devastated by her absence by the absence of Ramnath on her 18th birthday. Ramnath reached home 3 days after Ava’s birthday. On February first. After Ramnath arrived in home, Ava told her dad, “Dad I want to be a model, I promise I will make you proud so please let me be a model”

Ramnath felt numb for a second and slapped Ava and said, “Either you stay in this house and become a successful doctor or an engineer or live in the streets and become a model and forget that you even had parents.”

Ava was broken by Ramnath’s words. Anjali tried to take her daughter’s support but her in-law’s were against Anjali. Anjali continued her studies and started preparing for her unwanted life. She cracked her NEET exam but she didn't want to continue her life in suffocation. But she had no choice but to kill her dreams and continue killing her true self day by day. First day of her college, scared, worried, angry and suffocated by her own life. She sat in the second seat. Soon a girl came and sat beside her. She introduced herself as Shamita Pant. Shamita asked, “excited?” Ava replied with a dark guilt and pain in her face, “ Nope”. That was it for the whole day. Shamita tried talking to her but she always said, “ I’m not a social person, please!” and hearing this Shamita backed off. One day after the classes were over Ava left in a hurry. Shamita saw something fall off Ava's bag. It was a pack of pills. Shamita went to the nearest pharmacy and asked about it. Ava was taking depression pills.


Shamita decided to talk to her but, instead Ava was furious and told Shamita not to tell anything to anyone. Days continued. Ava started skipping classes and locking herself in her room. 

One day Ava told her parents that she wanted to take a room in college for better concentration. Ramnath immediately said yes. 

Ava started taking a double dose of the medication. One day Ava called her parents and said, “ Ma, I think you guys should visit my hostel, it’s beautiful.” They were delighted and they said, “ Why not, Ava, We’ll come next Saturday.” 

After that Ava borrowed a pen from Shamita and wrote “ Life is Hard, isn’t it Shamita?” in Shamita’s diary. And Shamita wrote in reply, “ Haha, yes it is!”...

Next Saturday, Ava was lying in her bed and the door was open. Her parents came in and saw Ava sleeping and saw a piece of paper under her pillow.


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- Ameen Shakya - 30059, Grade V ... 11 March, 2024

हाम्राे डियरवाक सिफल स्कुलले माघ २६ गते कक्षा ५, ६, ७ र ८ मा अध्ययन गर्ने सम्पूर्ण विद्यार्थीहरूलाई पदयात्रामा लगेकाे थियाे । कक्षाअनुसार पदयात्रा गर्ने ठाउँहरू फरक फरक थिए । हाम्राे कक्षा ६ काे पदयात्राकाे गन्तव्य नगरकाेटदेखि तेलकाेटसम्मकाे थियाे । हामीलाई २६ गते बिहान ९ बजे नै विद्यालय आउन भनिएकाे थियाे । हामी बिहान ९:३० बजे खाना खान गयौँ । त्यसपछि १० बजे बसको प्रतीक्षामा बस्यौँ । हाम्रो बस धेरै ढिलो आयाे, लगभग २० वा ३० मिनेट ढिलो । म  बस नं ६ मा बसेँ ।  बसको यात्रा साँच्चै रमाइलो थियो । हामी ११ः४० मा नगरकोट आइपुग्यौँ । हामीले तेलकोटसम्मको डाउनहिल पदयात्रा सुरु गर्यौं । डाउनहिल करिब ६ किलोमिटरको पैदल यात्रा थियो । एउटा कालो कुकुरले लगभग सम्पूर्ण यात्रामा हामीलाई पछ्याइरहेको थियाे । यो सुन्दर पदयात्रा थियो । हामीले तल खेतबारी र माथि सुन्दर हिमालय, हरिया वनजङ्गल र पानीका धारा पनि देख्यौँ तर माैसम त्यति स्पष्ट थिएन त्यसैले हामीले एक वा दुईवटा हिमाल मात्र देख्यौँ । लामो पैदल यात्रापछि हामी अन्ततः टेलकोट पुग्यौँ तर मूल योजना तेलकोट पुगेपछि चांगुनारायण जाने थियो तर हाम्रो समय तालिका तेलकाटसम्म पुग्दा सकिएकाे र हाम्रा केही साथीहरू साँच्चै थकित भएकाले हामीले चांगुनारायणको पैदल यात्रा जारी राख्न सकेनौँ । तेलकाेटमै हामीले खाजा खायौँ । त्यसपछि तेलकाेटबाट २ः३० मा गाडी चढ्याैँ । दिउँसो ३ः३० मा हामी विद्यालय आइपुग्याैँ ।

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नेपालका चाडपर्वहरू
- Bishakha Upadhyay - 30010, Gr ... 06 March, 2024

नेपाल एक सानो तर सुन्दर देश हाे । हाम्राे देश धार्मिक र सांकृतिक रूपमा निकै धनी छ । हाम्राे देश नेपालमा १०० भन्दा बढी जातजाति र तिनीहरूले बाेल्ने भाषा छन् । यहाँ  जातजाति अनुसारका  धेरै चाडपर्वहरू छन् । हामी  काेही पराई छैनाैँ, नेपालमा बस्ने हामी सबै आफन्त हाैँ । हाम्रो देशमा कसैलाइ पराइ ठान्ने भावना छैन । हाम्रो देश एउटा ठुलो फूलकाे  बगैँचा जस्तै हो । सबै जना भाषा र धर्मका रूपमा अलग भए पनि हामी एकअर्कासँग रमाएर बस्छौँ । हामी सबैको बिच भाइचाराकाे सम्बन्ध छ । जातजाति, धर्म, भाषा, चाडपर्व फरक भए पनि एकअर्कासँग मिलेर बस्नु नेपालीकाे विशेषता हाे । नेपालमा चाडपर्वका नाममा कसैसँग झगडा हुँदैन । हिमाल,पहाड र तराई जहाँ बसे पनि हामी नेपाली हुनुमा गर्व गर्छाैँ । सबैका चाडपर्वमा शुभकामना आदानप्रदान गर्छाैँ । हाम्रा मुख्य चाडपर्व भनेका दसैँ, तिहार बुद्धजयन्ति, उँधौली, उँभौली, ल्होसार, क्रिसमस, इद, तिज, हाेली माघी आदि हुन् । चाडपर्वहरू नेपालमा एकदम राम्ररी र रमाइलो गरी मनाउने चलन छ । चाडपर्वले सद्भाव , एकता, भाइचारा, परिवारको साथ, माया आदि कुराकाे सम्बन्ध बढाउँछ । नेपालीहरूका लागि चाडपर्व एकदमै महत्त्वपूर्ण  छ ।

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शरद ऋतुकाे राैनक
- Barun Kadariya - 29053, Grade ... 05 March, 2024

शरद ऋतुको रङमा,

 रूखहरू अग्ला र  खडा हुन्छन्,

तिनीहरूका पातहरू, आगो रातो, सुनौलो चमक,

प्रकृतिको रङ्गीन तस्बिरको रूपमा, तिनीहरू मोहित हुन्छन्,

तिनीहरूले वातावरण थप सुन्दर बनाउँछन् ।


हावाले हाँगाहरू उज्यालो पार्छन्,

एक कोमल सरसराहट, एक नरम आनन्द,  बनाउँछन्

पातहरू, तिनीहरू नाच्छन्, एक अचम्मको दृश्य, यसले हामीलाई देखाउँछ

रङकाे रमाइलोले भरिएको, एक शुद्ध आनन्द यसले हामीलाई प्रदान गर्दछ ।


उनीहरूको उत्तम छराई, एक सुन्दर र मायाको हराई होस्

एक उदास बिदाई, एक कोमल राहत, यसको सुन्दरता प्रदान हुने छ

रूखहरू, तिनीहरूले हरियोको लुगा ओसार्छन्,

एक मौसम परिवर्तन यो बन्छ, एक नयाँ शान्त प्रदान गर्दछ ।


वन यसको भुइँ, सुनको सुन्दरता,

प्रकृतिको सुन्दरता, यो हेर्नको लागि एक खजाना यो मौसम

हावा, यसले तिनीहरूलाई लैजान्छन्,

अज्ञात ठाउँहरूमा, नयाँ ठाउँ बनाउँछन् ।


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