
Student Corner


Do you believe Alien Life exists?
- Simone Shree Pathak - 22023, ... 02 April, 2019

Are aliens real? I don't know, no one has even seen them. But I believe in aliens. Discovering alien life is imaginable, like how it would be known that someone lives in the universe. NASA’s chief scientist Ellen Stofan says that such a finding is not so far off. She expects that we will find an indication of life within the next decade. She also says that we will find evidence that there is a life in the universe. NASA says that if there is water there is life and it turns out that the universe outer part beyond the galaxy is way bigger and there might be life.

NASA also said that ”If there are aliens we will find out but don’t expect little green men." In my opinion, I feel aliens exist. Space is so enormous that the chance of these being intelligent life somewhere in outer space is pretty good. That's because there are billions and billions of planets in our galaxy alone and some of those are considered Earth-like by NASA because they have a lot of the same conditions as Earth. Scientists have been searching for planets like Earth.

Through there searching they have found the really good stuff. In 2015, a NASA mission found the first planet that might be a candidate for supporting life. That planet name was Kepler 452b, which they’re calling as Earth 2.0. It is about the same size as Earth and it is at the right distance from its sun to support intelligent life. It also has a rocky surface that could support water in plants and Earth 2.0. isn’t the only candidate as recently as on February 2017, NASA discovered seven more Earth-like planets while searching through space. NASA even discovered an interstellar object which they say is from another solar system. When they thought for observation it was an asteroid with a weird shape. The asteroid is 400m long and 40m wide and NASA even said none of the asteroids in our solar system looks like that.

So, I don’t know if it's true that there is an existence of alien or not but I do believe in them. And about the interstellar object, there is so much to learn and there is limited time as it is way out of the solar system. It was named 2017 U1 and NASA says it's fading fast, relatively the object is very small and it's very dim but I’m sure NASA can grab the information before it fades away

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Do you Believe Alien Life Exists ?
- Muskan Singh - 22010, Gr ... 12 February, 2019

While I sit very firmly on the side, I believe that the reprob likely have an unremarkable explanation. This is no evidence that there is some other terrestrial human life existing another planet. But scientists are searching for it. Last month, The New York Times published an article describing a secret government program investigating reports by military pilots about unidentified flying objects they encountered in the course of their daily duties. The media was awash with stories of flying saucers and extraterrestrial encounters, with scientists downplaying the likelihood of alien visitation and UFO enthusiasts exclaiming their excitement.

Actually, I don’t believe in this incident. It's because it may be something else as well. And we may have something else and it could be a dream as well. There are all pretty much guesses. However, using the best guesses of the day, he estimated there were 10 planets in Milky way galaxy emitting radio waves and thereby detectable in principle by Earth-based radio telescope.

It may true that there are planets and there is no evidence that there are aliens living on that planet. And there is no proof that there are aliens living in the planets of another galaxy. As we may not know how many stars are there in the sky. Actually, there are hundred billion stars in milky way galaxy.

The earth is about 4.55 billion years old. Due to the pollution, scientists guess that the earth will not be a good place for humans to survive in the earth and I think that there are not any aliens existing in any galaxy because there is no proof and evidence found by a scientist.

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