
Student Corner

Poetry Night

Written by: Simone Shree Pathak - 22023, Grade VII

Posted on: 08 April, 2019

The Poetry Night was held on 25th January 2019. It was a wonderful experience. The beautiful poems were recited. I was also one of the finalists of the night.

 Not only our teachers but also our parents enjoyed the program a lot. The finalists were allowed to invite the parents. Even the judges were very impressed. Also, our judges recited a few poems. That was wonderful.

The entire program was hosted by Ms. Aishworya. After the recitation of poems from all the finalists and judges, it was the time to announce the winner. The level champion from Grade I-III in the Nepali language was Yureka Adhikari, Grade IV-V was Sugyani Subedi, Grade VI-VIII was Dhiraj Chapagain and Grade IX-X was Sandhya Sah. Similarly, the level champion from Grade I-III in the English language was Shreevaani Dhungel, Grade IV-V was Aakanshya Khadka, Grade VI-VIII was Jiya Sapkota and Grade IX-X was Saisha Pudasaini. And the winner of Poetry Night in Nepali was Dhiraj Chapagain and the winner of Poetry Night in English was Aagaman Chapagain.