
Student Corner


How Do Surrogate Ads Work?
- Sanjay Puri - 23058, Grade XI ... 12 October, 2022

Surrogate advertising refers to a form of advertisement that duplicates the brand image of one product to promote another product of the same brand. The major country where the surrogate advertisements are mostly popular is our neighboring country,India. Famous celebrities like Ajay Devgan, Shahrukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar and many more promote tobacco brands although they don’t promote it directly but the viewers can easily understand that the companies they promote are not known for making pan masala or elaichis, they are primarily known for making tobacco products. In the 90’s,alcohol and tobacco products were allowed to be advertised directly by showing warning signs in India. But the government of India banned the advertisements promoting tobacco and liquor products in 1995. So, these companies started to make surrogate advertisements by sponsoring big events and luring big celebrities by giving them hefty sums of money to promote these products.The surrogate advertisements are very effective as a survey showed that 42 out of 50 people watching surrogate advertisements realize that the advertisement is done to promote tobacco and alcohol. Surrogate advertisements do impact a consumer’s buying decision as well. They also inform customers about the leading liquor brands and thus promote sales.The companies are so keen to promote their product that they are literally expanding their product and making new products and promoting them but everyone knows the main motive. Some companies even don’t sell the products they advertise and they are only trying to promote their tobacco and liquor products. Surrogate advertising is done on a very high level. These types of advertisements should be banned as they promote risky products that have a lot of harm on human health. In conclusion,I  want to request the big celebrities that please don’t do surrogate advertisements because the fans of the celebrities will surely get encouraged to buy these products and this will impact their health. The surrogate advertisements doesn’t only promote people to buy these products but it encourages even the people of our country and many South Asian nations citizens to buy these harmful cancer causing products. Surrogate advertisements must be banned from being shown on television or any online mediums as these are literally the promotion of poisonous products in the name of juice, elaichi and so many side products of the big liquor and tobacco products.


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दोषी काे ?
- Anushka Basnet - 24011, Grade ... 11 October, 2022

सधैँ जस्तो आज पनि लीलाले विद्यालयबाट फर्कँदा एउटा मरेको कुकुर बाटोमा देखी । उसको दैनिकीमा नै दिनदिनै मरेका कुकुरहरू देख्नु पर्थ्याे । तल्लो घरको बाटोमुनि जहिले पनि मरिरहेका कुकुर देखिन्थे । कसैलाई थाह थिएन कुकुर कसले कसरी मार्यो, तर हरेक दिन एक एक कुकुरका शव बाटोमा देखिन्थे । अहिले त कुकुर मात्र हैन, अरू जनावरहरू पनि देखिन थालिसकेका थिए । पहिला पहिला त गाउँले जति सबै डराउँथे । लीलाको घरबाट अलि तलको घरमा कोही पनि बस्दैनथे । त्यसैले ती जनावरहरू कसले मारेको भन्ने कसैलाई अत्तोपत्तो अझै थिएन । तल्लो घर खाली भएको १५ वर्ष भइसकेको थियो । लीला एक वर्षकी हुँदै त्यो घरकी बुढी आमाले आत्महत्या गरेकी थिइन् । त्यै बुढी आमाको आत्माले त तर्साएन ? भन्ने खबर जताततै  फैलिएकाे थियो।

लीलालाई यस्तो भूतप्रेतको कुरामा विश्वास लाग्दैनथ्याे । उसलाई त गाउँकाे कुनै मान्छेले मारेर त्याे फालेको हुनुपर्छ जस्तो लाग्थ्यो । १५ वर्ष पुरानो कथा सुनाएर मान्छे तर्साउने भन्दै लीलालाई गाउँलेहरूसँग अझै रिस पनि उठ्यो । आज त उसले दैनिकी जस्तो एउटा नभई चार ओटा मरेका कुकुर देखी । कुकुरहरूको शवसँगै एउटा मरेको परेवा पनि थियो । आज त अति भयो भनेर लीलाले आफ्ना साथीहरू बटुली र राती तल्लो घरमा जाग्राम बस्ने निर्णय गरी । उसका साथीहरूले उसको सोचलाई राम्रो भने पनि नभने पनि उसलाई साथीहरूकाे कुनै वास्ता लागेन । उसलाई केवल कुकुरहरुको ज्यान लिने को रहेछ भन्ने थाह पाउनु थियो । उसका ३ ओटा मिल्ने साथीहरू पनि उसैसँग रातभरि कुकुर मार्ने दोषी हेर्न बसे । 

 रात पर्यो र ४ जना तल्लो घर पुगे । सबले आआफ्नो घरमा एक अर्काको घर जाने भनेर झुटो बोलेर तल्लो घर गए । तल्लो घरैभित्र बस्ने निधो गरे । ४ जना साथीहरू कालो रातमा अपराधी कुर्न थाले । मध्यरात भइसकेको थियो । त्यहाँ काेही पनि आएन । टाढा टाढासम्म कोही पनि थिएन । सबै थाकेका थिए । एक एक गर्दै चार जना नै निदाए । निदाएको करिब ३ घण्टा हुँदा आफ्नो घरमा "लीला लीला! काँ छेस् त ? ओइ लीला काँ गइस ?" दिदीले कराएको सुनेर लीला झसङ्ग बिउँझी । आमा र दिदीलाई तल्लो घरमा छु भनेर आउँछु भन्ने सोचले लीला तल्लो घरबाट निस्कन खोजी । घरको दैलोसम्म पुग्दा उसलाई टाउको दुःखेजस्तो भयो । बल्लतल्ल घरबाट निक्लेर ऊ आफ्नो घर पुगी । आमा र दिदीलाई सम्झाई । आमा आफ्नी छोरी र छोरीका साथीहरू सबैलाई घर बोलाउँछु भनेर तल्लो घर आफैँ गइन् । आमा तल्लो घर पुग्दासम्म लीला पनि पछिपछि गई । तल्लो घर आइपुग्नलाग्दा ठुलो स्वरले चिच्याएको आवाज सुनियो । हतार हतार तल्लो घर पुग्दा त लीलाका तीन जना साथीहरू र एउटा कुकुरको लास देखियो । त्यहाँ र वरपर टाढासम्म कोही पनि थिएन । त्यस रातको सम्झना अझै पनि लीलालाई झल्झली आउँछ । आज १३ वर्षपछि पनि लीलालाई उसको साथीले चिच्याएको आवाज याद छ । साथीलाई अन्तिम चोटी देख्दाको उसको खुसियाली याद छ । ती जनावर र आफ्ना साथीहरू मार्ने लीला नै त थिई । त्यसैले उसलाई त्यो रात सरिया मन पर्छ । आहिलेसम्म मूर्ख गाउँलेहरूले अपराधी भेट्न सकेका छैनन् । लीला अझै पनि बाटोमा खुलम खुला हिँड्छे । उसलाई कसैले केही शङ्का पनि गर्दैनन् । लीला अझै तपाईं हामी माझ हाँस्दै मुस्कुराउँदै हिँड्छे । 

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- Deepti Neupane - 23019, Grade ... 11 October, 2022

Politics is at the center in every country, and it depends on the country how it can progress with the help of its political activities. The politics of our country has many drawbacks. The politicians stick to the post and promise the voters to give them the services that they need as their basic needs. But after winning and getting their position, they just forget whatever they had shared with the voters and later deceive from their promise. So we all should be able to use our rights to vote for the one who is honest with his/her words.

Politics is a hugely important domain in the world and it has an impact on functioning government and the country.Politics has effect on all types of government including democratic, autocratic , theocratic and many more. Politics is part of the government. There are a lot of movies that describe politics and we people love to watch and we can get a lot of ideas about how the politics works and how they treat their voters and many more. So we can see that so many things are teaching us about how the government of the country is and how they bribe people for the post they want to be in.

Politics in our country is also similar to other countries but is not able to uplift the country. The tax and money they get from the government is not properly used because there is politics in that case too. If the government had used the tax in a proper way then our country would be on top today and we would not be called a poor country. We all must try to help our country uplift and make sure that we would have a better place to live. If politicians use their power for the betterment of the country then it would be very great and we would be able to have proper rules and regulations. Till now if there were very great politician in the country then we would be able to find out the rape cases or any kind of cases that are still not been able to solve.

Every country must have good politics for a good living standard and an amazing life. We would be able to make sure that not only other countries but our country can also have uplift and it would be maintained properly. 

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- Aashutosh Shrestha - 23004, G ... 10 October, 2022

When you say multiverse, the first thing we think about is a parallel dimension. It is said that a parallel dimension is a hypothetical self-contained place of existence, co-existing with one’s own and the sum of all potential parallel dimensions that constitute reality is often called a multiverse. There is a possibility that parallel dimension does exist and there is nothing that can deny parallel dimension. If parallel dimensions exist, then there are many questions that can be asked. What is it parallel to? Is it parallel to the whole universe or is it parallel to only our planet or our solar system or galaxy? Next thing to think about is, if there are parallel dimensions then will that dimension be very identical to ours or exactly opposite than ours or exactly the same as ours? Can there be another person looking exactly like you in another dimension thinking like you, process like you. We never know. If there is another you in another dimension I would definitely want to talk to him but as the name says parallel dimensions are parallel to each other and will inter-cross each other or collide until external force or ways are applied whose example can be a wormhole. Wormhole is also a hypothetical thing which we don't know if it exists or not. Even though Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicts the existence of wormholes, none have been discovered yet. A negative mass of a wormhole might be spotted by the way its gravity affects light that passes by. So, not intentionally but unintentionally someone or something may trigger a wormhole and parallel dimensions may be connected which will establish inter-dimensional activities like unwillingly traveling to another dimension. That would be creepy. What if you are traveling through airlines and when you land you get to a place you have never heard of and no one knows about the place you came from and no one has ever heard of it. That would be creepy. Some years ago, the same kind of incident was showing up on the internet.

This incident happened during 1956 A.D in Tokyo airport, when everything was going normal, a man came with a very odd looking passport and the immigration officer noticed the passport. He checks his passport and everything seems legit except he says that he came from the country known as Taured. It seems that he has traveled to many countries before and has even come to Tokyo many times. But no one has ever heard of the country called Taured. The immigration officer was confused and called the head in charge. The head pulled out a map and asked the mysterious man to point out where his country is. The man pointed between Spain and France. But the country between France and Spain is known as Andorra. The man gets confused after hearing that and keeps saying that he is from Taured and pulls out a paper in which he claims was the details of the hotel he had reserved. But the hotel denied when asked about the reservation. The mysterious man also said he had a business meeting with a certain company. They again called the company to check and they also denied the business meeting. It was too much to process together for the mysterious man and everyone was confused. At last the man was detained in a nearby hotel and some guards were kept to avoid letting him escape if something like that happened. In the middle of night, everything was going well, the guards were guarding his room and eventually there was no sound coming out from the room. The guards became skeptical and went to check inside. The man disappeared.

He was nowhere to be found and there was no place to escape from. The guards checked for his belongings and documents. Everything was missing. The mysterious man disappeared into thin air without any clues. IT was like he came from another dimension willingly or unwillingly and he went back to his own or another one. No one knows. There are more accidents like that where some person acts weird. You can search it up on the internet. This can be what we can call traveling through parallel dimensions. Which can give us a hint about parallel dimensions. Though it is still not sure, in the near future there might be or it is already sure. But the information is not public yet. We never know.

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Gender Equality: Assigned with Pink And Blue Color
- Yojana Gautam - 23068, Grade ... 13 September, 2022

Assigning color to gender is a “gift” of the twentieth-century. This practice came out in the forefront frequently in Europe and America. It also seems that the effect of color-coded gender differences (pink for women, blue for men) existed in opposite. In fact, this reversal of what we consider “normal” was considered conventional. In the early twentieth century the controversy of when and why pink and blue came into fashion to designate gender rages on. Almost every argument alluded to a paragraph within the novel Little Women, published in 1868: “Amy ties a pink bow and a blue bow on Meg’s twins Daisy and Demi, so people will know the difference between the girl and therefore the boy.” This is often said to wipe out the “French style,” suggesting that it would be possible in France that pink and blue were already gender-specific. However, there's evidence that this practice isn't always common or always done throughout Europe. In fact, within the nineteenth century, parents dressed infants in white dresses, suggesting that color and dresses were not accustomed to distinguish between girls and boys At one point, pink was considered more of a boy’s color, as a watered-down, bold, dramatic red, which could be a fierce color. Instead, blue was considered more for ladies. Probably this choice was littered with the very fact that blue, especially blueness, was related to Mary in Christian Theology. In fact, painters often mixed Lazuli into paints to depict what was considered the foremost sacred feminine Ico. The pink and blue tradition is recent and comparatively exclusive to the Western world, but the ladies ’ preference for the color pink seems to have deeper roots. In a very recent study,the researchers report a preference for blue color on a yellow–blue scale both in males and in females, but a girl's preference for red on a green–red scale. This sex difference, evealed by a rapid paired-comparison task, is powerful and cross-cultural .

These colors were first used as gender signifiers just before World War I (for either girls or boys), pink meant weak, shy girls who play with dolls and don’t deserve the maximum amount as boys. After we create a chart with pink and blue, we promote gender stereotypes. Blue stands for boys who must be strong and rough. One reason for the increased use of pink for ladies and blue for boys was the invention of recent chemical dyes, which meant that children's clothing may well be mass-produced and washed in plight without fading.

In the 20th century, the practice in Europe varied from country to country, with some assigning colors supported the baby's complexion, et al. assigning pink sometimes to boys and sometimes to women.We assumed that pink clothes would have a powerful impact, especially on men, because men are usually unacquainted pink-colored clothes. On the other hand, because the present study was the primary research examining the effect of gender-colored clothing, we conducted an exploratory investigation among male participants.






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शिक्षा र राजनीति
- Muskan Singh - 24023, Grade X ... 13 September, 2022

शिक्षा कुनै नयाँ कुरा सिक्ने र बुझ्ने  प्रक्रिया हो ।  त्यसैगरी राजनीति भनेको देश चलाउन आवश्यक पर्ने विशिष्ट नीति तथा सेवा हो । यी दुवै कुराले एउटा मानिसको जीवनमा गहकिलो प्रभाव परेको हुन्छ । तर के हामीले यी कुरा जान्न खोजेका  छौँ कि छैनौँ ? यिनीहरूले एक अर्कामाथि के प्रभाव पार्दै आएका छन् ? वास्तवमा भन्नुपर्दा यी दुवै कुरा एकाअर्काको परिपूरक हुन् । 
शिक्षा हरेक मान्छेको कर्तव्य र अधिकार दुवै हाे । हामीलाई शिक्षाले सही मार्गदर्शन गर्छ । जीवनमा केही  प्राप्त गर्नको लागि धेरै महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गरेको हुन्छ । त्यसैगरी स्वच्छ राजनीतिले गर्दा हाम्रो देश तथा जनताको विकास हुन्छ । यदि राजनीतिमा खोट भयो भने त्यसले देश र जनतामाथि राम्राे प्रभाव पार्दैन । हाम्रो देश अहिले अल्पविकसित  देशहरूको सूचीमा छ । त्यसको प्रमुख कारण राजनीति र शिक्षा हो । देशका धेरैजसो दक्ष जनशक्ति बाहिरिएका छन् । साक्षरता स्तर र शिक्षित व्यक्तिकाे सङ्ख्या थोरै भएकाले सरकार र राजनीतिमा धेरै पढेलेखेका व्यक्तिहरू छैनन् । शक्ति, स्राेत र पहुँचका आधारमा सत्ता र सरकारमा पुगेर  देश विकासकाे गतिमा लम्किन सकेकाे छैन । 
शिक्षित व्यक्ति र अशिक्षित व्यक्तिले काम गर्ने तरिकामा धेरै फरक हुन्छ । यतिकै हामीले शिक्षालाई यति महत्त्व  दिएका छैनौँ । हाम्रो देशमा धेरै शिक्षित हामीहरूले कहिलेकाहीँ कसैले भनेकाे सुन्छाैँ " यो सरकार त केही काम लाग्ने छैन, जनतालाई लुट्न  मात्र आउछ।" तर हामीले यो कुरा बिर्सिन्छाैँ  कि ती  नेताहरूलाई राजनीतिमा जिताउने पनि हामी नै हाैँ ।  अहिलेको सन्दर्भमा हेर्दा पनि जनताले नेताहरूको झुटाे  कुराहरूमाथि विश्वास गरेर उनीहरूलाई जिताउने काम गरेका छन् । त्यही जनताहरू पछि गएर सरकारलाई दोष दिने गर्छन् ।  तर यदि जनता शिक्षित भएको भए के यस्तो परिस्थिति आउँथ्यो होला त ? अवश्य पनि आउने थिएन ।
राजनीतिले शिक्षामाथि धेरै प्रभाव पार्छ । उदाहरणको लागि हामी अमेरिका र नेपाललाई लिन सक्छौँ।  अमेरिकामा सरकारले हरेक व्यक्तिलाई  १२ कक्षासम्म निःशुल्क पढाउने गर्दछ । त्यहाँका सरकारी विद्यालयहरूमा निजी विद्यालयमाभन्दा अझै राम्रो तरिकाले पढाउने गरिन्छ।  यसले गर्दा जनताहरूले पढ्ने र अगाडि बढ्ने मौका पाउँछन् । त्यसै कारणले अमेरिका आज विश्वको विकसित देश भन्नेर चिनिन्छ । अर्कातिर हाम्रो परिस्थिति हेर्दा अहिले पनि धेरै मान्छेहरूले पढ्न पाएका छैनन् । सरकारी विद्यालयहरूमा व्यवस्थापन र दक्ष जनशक्तिले कमीले धेरै बालबालिकाहरू अहिले पनि अशिक्षित छन् ।  निजी विद्यालयमा सरकारीभन्दा धेरै राम्रो तरिकाले पढाउने गरिन्छ। तर पैसा धेरै तिर्नु परेकोले हाम्रो देशको बालबालिकाहरू अहिले पनि शिक्षाबाट बन्चित छन्। यसको मुख्य कारण राजनीति नै हो ।  यदि कुनै पनि पदमा उपयुक्त  व्यक्ति बसेको भए यस्तो हुँदैन थियो । यसरी राजनीति र शिक्षा एकअर्काका परिपुरक हुन्।  त्यसैले राजनीति र शिक्षा दुवैलाई उपयुक्त तरिकाले अगाडि लिएर बढ्नुपर्छ  ।

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कहिले सकिएला ?
- Sonishma Basnet - 23059, Grad ... 12 September, 2022

छन् देवी स्वरूप नारी बसेका खुसी छर्दै
हरेक घर बस्तीमा
फक्रन नपाउँदै जीवन 
चुडिन्छ काेपिलामा ।

नर पिपासुको फन्दामा पर्दा 
पर्छ उसको जीवन अन्धकारमा
जनावरहरूले त्यसपछि पनि जलाउँछन्
जिउँदो शरीरमा आगो लगाएर ।

दानवको बास भगवान्को मुहारमा 
किन छोड्न सक्दैनन् ती  पापीहरूले 
१० वर्षे बालिका अनि विधवा पनि।  

धेरै भए पीडित निर्मला र भागीरथी जस्ता देशमा
हे सत्ताका कुर्सिमा भएका मानव हाे 
दोषी निकाल्ने कहिले हाे मेराे देशमा ।

खर्चिए धेरै आँखाका आँसु नारीहरूले
र पनि खाेजिएन दोषी र लिइएन बदला ती आँसुहरूको

कहिले पाउने होला न्याय कहिले होला 
आत्मा शान्ति निर्मलाको
कहिले सकिएला सत्ताको शक्ति
कहिले गाउने हाेला मैले मेराे राष्ट्रकाे भक्ति । 

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Some Military Aircraft Used During The Second World War
- Shreyash Vaidhya - 23042, Gra ... 12 September, 2022

The Second World War is considered to be the deadliest war in human history. The war was fought against the axis powers by the allied forces. Over 90 million people which includes both civilians and soldiers lost their lives to the war. There was a revolutionary technological change in military vehicles during the war. One of them was aircraft. In WW2 aircrafts were categorized into different sections which included fighters, bombers, dive bombers, naval aircraft and torpedo bombers. The following aircrafts described below are renowned across the globe, for their design, ferocity and killing ratio during dogfights. 

  1. Messerschmitt Bf 109

     The Messerschmitt Bf 109 is a German single seater fighter aircraft which was the backbone of the Luftwaffe. It was first used during the Spanish Civil War and was one the most advanced fighter aircraft during that time. During the Second World War , it was used during the Battle of Britain to fight against British fighter aircrafts. It was also used in the Eastern Front to fight against Soviet fighter aircrafts. With 928 kills, this aircraft was one of the deadliest during the war. For its arsenal, it had 72 caliber machine guns and cannons. 

  1. Junkers Ju 87/Stuka

     The Junkers Ju 87 or Stuka is a German dive bomber which was another aircraft that served the Luftwaffe. It was first used in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War along with the Messerschimitt. It was recognized by its inverted gull wings and a fixed landing gear. During the Second World War, It was used during the Invasion of Poland and Blitzkrieg attacks. It was also used during the Battle of Britain to bomb the radar masts and air bases but failed as numerous stukas were shot down by British fighter planes. This aircraft was famously known for its high pitched wail that was heard before the aircraft appeared to attack. It was known as the Jericho Trumpet or the Stuka Siren. It had machine guns and bombs for it’s arsenal.


  1. Mitsubishi A6M Zero

    The Mitsubishi A6M Zero is a Japanese fighter aircraft which served the Imperial Japanese Navy from 1940 to 1945. It fought against the US planes in the Pacific Theater of the Second World War . It was used in every major battle in the Pacific Theater which included the Pearl Harbor attack and the Battle of Midway. It had achieved its reputation as a dogfighter with an outstanding kill ratio of 12 to 1. The zero was the most produced aircraft by the Imperial Japanese Navy. It was also used for Kamikaze attacks. It has machine gun, bombs and torpedoes in it’s arsenal. 


  1. Yakovlev Yak-9

    The Yakovlev Yak-9 is a Soviet single seater fighter aircraft that served the soviet air force during the Second World War and the Cold War. It was first used in 1942 during the Battle of Kursk where it retook air superiority from the Luftwaffe. The Yak-9 was maneuverable at high speeds when flying at low and medium altitudes and was also easy to control, qualities that allowed it to be one of most produced Soviet fighters of the Second World War. With these attributes, they were able to shoot down most of the Luftwaffe fighter planes and achieve victory in Kursk. It’s arsenal includes bombs, 76 mm machine guns and cannons.

  1. Supermarine Spitfire

     The Supermarine Spitfire is a single seater British fighter aircraft that served the RAF(Royal Air Force) during the Second World War . It was first used in 1936 but became famous in 1940 during the Battle of Britain. During that time, it along with the Hawker Hurricane, were the primary aircraft used for combat against the Luftwaffe. It was known for its high speed and high maneuverability and was capable of shooting down deadly German aircrafts like the messerschmitt. This aircraft was also mentioned in Sir Winston Churchill’s speech, “The Few”.  It’s arsenal includes a 47 mm machine gun. 

  1. P-51 Mustang

   The P-51 Mustang is a single seater American fighter-bomber aircraft that served the US Airforce during the Second  World War and the Korean War. It was first used in 1942 where they fought fighter planes from the Luftwaffe and the Imperial Japanese Navy in the European and Pacific theaters. In 1944, they were used as bomber escorts during the Dresden Bombings and as fighters in the Invasion of Normandy. In the Pacific, these aircrafts were used during the Battle of Iwo Jima as Fighter-bombers. This aircraft was remarkable even to the enemy that when Hermann Goering saw them flying over Berlin, he said that the war was over and Germany had lost. During the war, they had destroyed over 4950 enemy aircrafts. It’s arsenal includes rockets, bombs, cannons and machine guns.

  1. Vought F4U Corsair

     The Vought F4U Corsair is a single seater American naval fighter-bomber aircraft  that served the US Airforce in the Pacific theater of the Second World War . Like the stuka, the corsair also had inverted gull wings but the inverted wings of the plane can be folded and unfolded. It was used for fighting against the Japanese zeros and bombing enemy destroyers, cruisers and aircraft carriers. This aircraft was first used in 1940 and participated in major Pacific battles including the Battle of Saipan, Battle of Guadalcanal, Battle of Midway, Battle of Iwo Jima and Battle of Okinawa. It’s arsenal includes bombs, rockets and machine guns. 




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Was Buddha really born in India?
- Dhendup Norphel Sherpa - 2302 ... 09 September, 2022

Gautam Buddha, popularly known as the Buddha,an ascetic,a religious leader and teacher who was born in Nepal.He is also regarded as the founder of world religion of Buddhism.He taught for 45 years and built a large following both monastic and lay.His teaching is based on his insight into arising of suffering or dissatisfaction and it’s ending called Nirvana state.Buddha was born in Shakya clan in Nepal.According the buddhist tradition after several years of meditation he awakened to undersdand the working of cycle of rebirth and how it can escaped.Beside Bhuddha ,Light of Asia he was aslo named as Siddharta gautama .In early time there was many discrimination in the world going on,so he decided to a way to solve all problem and went here and there.Buddhism was founded by Gautama in 566 B.C. He was the son of King Suddhodana and Queen Mayadevi.Buddha was born in around 623 B.C. in Lumbini, the southern region of Nepal. It is situated in Rupandehi district, Lumbini  (Province No. 5) of Nepal.  His father was  king of Sakhya republic.Gautama was shocked at the sight of an old man, a diseased person, a dead body. Thereafter, he was attracted by the saintly appearance of it. One night he renounced the worldly life and left his home, wife, son and his kingdom at age 26.After leaving home, Gautama studied for some time in the philosophical schools of two renowned teachers. Thereafter after six years of  meditation led him to the discovery of truths. Gautama became the ‘Buddha’ i.e. the enlightened one.Buddha died in the year 486 B.C. at Kushinagar at the age of 80. Buddhism had become prominent in merchant communities and then spread throughout the Mauryan empire through commercial connections and along trade routes. In this way, Buddhism also spread through the silk route into central Asia.The remains of Buddhist monasteries of 3rd century BC to 5th century AD as well as the remains of Buddhist stupas from the 3rd century BC to 15th century AD provide the evidence of the birth of Lord Buddha and Lumbini being Buddhist center from a very ancient time in Nepal.He died at the age of 80 at Kushinagar.Every religion always impacted positively or negatively to any society. And, it does this through its teachings. However, Buddhism is merely a way of life. Even in present time India tries to claim that  Buddha was born in India,it is  true that Siddhartha Gautama was born in Nepal. Buddha got enlightenment at the age of 35 in Bodhgaya, India beneath a Bodhi tree. When Buddha was born there was no country called “Nepal” or “India”However the place Prince Siddhartha was born belongs to Nepal today.Nepal has a strong Buddhist background and has played a key role in spreading Buddhism to Tibet and all over the world.

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खुसीको सफलता
- Bipana Shrestha - 24017, Grad ... 09 September, 2022

खुसीको जन्म जुम्लाको एक गाउँमा भएको थियो । खुसी आफ्नी आमासँग बस्ने गर्थी । सानै उमेरमा बुवा गुमाएकी खुसीलाई जीवनमा धेरै पीडा थियो । जन्मिन नपाउँदै बुवालाई गुमाएको दुःख उसको मनमा थियो । उसका हरेक इच्छा र रहरलाई समाजले हाँसोको पात्र बनाएका थिए । पढ्ने, खेल्ने उमेरमा नै घर परिवारको भार थपियो । उसकाे उमेरका साना साना बच्चाहरू कापीकलम बोकेर पढ्न विद्यालय जान्थे तर खुसी भने आफ्नो जिम्मेवारीबाट थिचिएकी थिई । आफ्नो भन्नु एक आमा मात्र हुनाले खुसीले आमाको कुनै पनि कुरालाई टार्दैनथी । खुसी जहिले हरेक काम मेहेनत र इमानदारीका साथ गर्थी ।

एक दिन खुसीले आँट गरेर आमालाई म पनि पढ्न चाहन्छु भन्छे  गुनासो गर्छे । आफूले भोगेको दुःख आफ्नो छोरीले पनि भोग्न नपरोस् भन्ने उसको सोच थियो । त्यसैले आमाले खुसीको भर्ना एउटा राम्रो विद्यालयमा गरिदिन्छन् । खुसी ठुला ठुला सपना बोकेर दिनदिनै पढ्न जान्थी । विद्यालयमा पनि खुसीलाई सबैले खुब माया गर्थे । पढेका कुराहरूलाई खुसीले जीवनमा पनि लागु गर्दथी । हरेक दिन खुसीले केही नयाँ सिक्ने प्रयास गर्थी । कडा मेहेनतका साथ उसले आफ्नो पढाइ पूरा गर्छे । खुसीले आफ्नो बुवा गुमाए पनि, जीवनमा साथ दिनेहरू थुप्रै पाएकी थिई । खुसी हँसिलो मुहार र ठुलो सपना बोकेर आफ्नो जीवनलाई अगाडी बढाउन सक्दो प्रयास गर्थी । खुसी एउटा असल व्यक्ति मात्र नभई एउटा अब्बल नारी पनि थिई । उसका धेरै उद्देश्य थिए ।  जिन्दगीका हरेक पाइलामा ऊ आँटेर अगि बढ्थी । खुसी असल हुनाका कारणले सबैले उसलाई सक्दो साथ दिन्थे । परिवारमा आफू मात्र पढेलेखेको व्यक्ति हुनाले खुसीमाथि ठुलो जीम्मेवारी थियो । खुसीलाई आफ्नो घरको स्थिति पनि राम्रोसँग थाहा थियो।

उसले पढाइ सकिने बित्तिकै काम खोज्न थाली । काम गर्दै गर्दा खुसीले धेरै कुराहरू  सिकी ।  धेरै जनाको ऊमाथि भएको अपेक्षाले उसलाई भित्रभित्रै पाेलिरहेको थियो । कठिन परिस्थितिले घेरिएकी खुसीलाई उसकी आमाले हिम्मत र साथ दिन छाेडिनन् । निरन्तर अगाडि बढनुपर्छ भन्ने आँट दिन छाेडिनन् । सङ्घर्ष र मेहेनतले मात्र जीवनमा परिवर्तन ल्याउन सकिन्छ भन्ने कुरा खुसीले आफ्नी आमाबाट सिकी । त्यही जोस जाँगरका साथ खुसी खुब मेहेनत गर्छे । काम सकिने बित्तिकै खुसी घर जाँदा उसकी आमा खुसीको बाटो कुरेर बस्दै हुन्छिन् । काम गर्दा जति गारो भए पनि खुसीले कहिले आमालाई दुःख पोख्दिनथी । आमाको अगाडि मुसुक्क मुस्कुराइदिन्थी । किनकि खुसीको लागि उसको दुःख हाेइन आमाको खुसी महत्त्वपूर्ण थियो । त्यसैले खुसीले खुब मेहेनत र सङ्घर्ष गरेर जीवनलाई सफलतापूर्वक अगाडि लैजान्छे । खुसीको त्यही सफलतामा उसकी आमाको ठुलो भूमिका रहेको हुन्छ ।

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