
Student Corner


Be perfect or be loved?
- Riya Jha - 21134, Grade XI on ... 20 November, 2019

"Nobody is perfect and that's why pencils have erasers " a famous quote by Wolfang Riebe. But in the real world do we all really mean it? Perfection, it describes itself as the condition of having no flaws and no defects. But actually, I believe that the actual definition is a word describing that really does not exist. Perfection can be relatable with a virus that enters in a mind of a person, gets attached to it and destroy the whole system! I have always hated the very word perfection because I was always told to be perfect in every task I get involved in. If you have ever seen a tree in the jungle you'll notice that the trees have many flaws. Every trees got something on, bunch of bark ripped off, odd distribution of branches and many more. But somehow they all are beautiful. But in the case  of humans, it seems such a bizarre thing that they start dissecting them into pieces judging each other for perfection. If leaning tower was straight, nobody would look at it but it's different. Many historical inventions were not the perfect ones but today they are recognized as the best ones of all the time. So all I can say is Love your cracks, no makeup is brighter than a smile on your face and love the way you are. Perfection does not exist and perfect people aren't real. To end it all, being yourself, behaving without the weight of embarrassment and being happy with what you are and what you have is the biggest favor, you will ever do for yourself. 

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Disability a way of being differently abled
- Kriti Rajbhandari - 20116, Gr ... 19 November, 2019

Disability doesn’t make you exceptional, but your actions and approach towards it do make you exceptional. A disability is a lack of ability relative to a group or personal standard or norms. Being disabled doesn’t mean not being able, but it means being differently able.

Physically handicapped can be the result of an accident or birth deformation. Of course, handicapped people can be functional within society and contribute greatly to family, work, art, etc. Just because a person is lacking an arm or leg doesn’t mean he/she can’t hold a job, run a business, drive a car, etc. But, what do we do to those who are handicapped and must rely on others for their basic needs?  Should they be abused because they are an economic burden on the country or society? Does the value of a person depend on his ability to add economic value to a country? If that is the case then the children should be universally wiped off because they are obvious economic reliance on family and society. 

When we hear the word ‘disable’ we simply think of a person who can't walk or talk or do everything, we take for granted. But I find disability lies in a person who can’t find joy in life and are bitter. Disability doesn’t stand as a burden between man and his aspiration in life. The real disability is the disability of will and determination. For example, although Hassan is a disabled person who needs to walk on crutches, he is one of the well-known athletes in Iraq. He is a weightlifter and has won lots of gold medals. There are lots of such inspiration in the world.

Disability is a matter of perception. Actually, who are disabled people? According to the Oxford dictionary, a person who can’t use a part of their body completely or easily due to accident, illness, etc is a disabled person. I believe they are differently able. Everyone in this world is born with different talents so they are. Disable people can do more than what normal people can do. They are capable of discovering black holes and cosmos by just sitting on a chair like Stephen Hawking, become politician an author like Helen Keller, develop mathematical equations like Joan Nash.

We need to change our perception of disabled people. They are different than us and faces several difficulties made by and for normal people like us. So we need to help and cooperate with them not because they are disabled but they are different than us and will do things differently.

                                                                                                                         Source: inspirich.com

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Voice of the Slums
- Kripa Bhandari - 21129, Grade ... 12 November, 2019

Living in this 21st century we thrive on education, fashion and trend, however an accumulative population show their reluctance to explore the broken souls, their voices, that are never to be heard. 

A voice that explains how it feels to sleep on the cold pavement with no lights and rugs; only the buzzing sound of insects. A voice that weeps just because he has no one to hug when the thunder strikes with bright light in front of his eyes. A voice that wishes for his father to come home safe, hug him tight and explain that the world is too tiny to worry about everything . A voice that is judged for the way they are. A voice that needs proper food to eat. A voice that knows the importance of education and wishes hard to educate oneself.  A voice that is shown guilty before the decision is made. A voice that knows the importance of money and doesn’t get a chance to fulfill their wishes. A voice that carries a person in their tummy for 9 months without any hesitation; rather with love and excitement but is sent to be at a place filled with strangers. A voice that is burned alive just because of beliefs which are not even near to the so called modern reality. A voice that knows its standard, its limits and the difference between loving and to be loved. A voice that knows giving. A voice that is being raped in the streets. A voice of a father who sells all his property, his gold and his house so that his little princess lives a happy life. A voice that is sold at the borders of India. A voice that says “she was not to be born” at her first birthday. A voice that is a workaholic, for it is not a solution for everything. A voice that laments for justice, peace and loyalty, money and food. A voice that is ready to dirty themselves up by washing dishes, cleaning public toilets, etc.  Doesn’t this sound bizarre and make people cry and scream on top of their lungs, but who listens to the voice of slums? Is their voice supposed to be voiceless? Aren’t they humans? Did nature discriminate them and not give them a chance to live? Do they belong to another group of species? Well! No, but then who will understand the pain they had to go through just to stay alive? The Government!

Do you think our government, which is corrupted and has not even been able to serve the victims of earthquake of 2072, give justice to Nirmala, and stop the rape which is continuously flowing like rivers be able to see that agony? It’s time for a change, a change to agitate everybody’s life.  A change to give justice to all. A change for improvement and ultimately a change for “peace”. 

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Urbanization and Its Effect and Natural Beauty
- Samir Khadka - 21120, Grade X ... 08 November, 2019

Human beings are unique creations of nature. We feel a strong and unique bond with nature. We are also the only beings that can save nature. Surprisingly, most of us don’t seem to care about her. Cities are popping up rapidly, and the natural beauty is suffering from terrible hits.

However, there are plenty of reasons as to why we should have natural beauty and more than enough ways to save it.

Talking about benefits, first all those resources that we get, we get from the environment. Indirectly, all that we see is a product of nature. There may come times when resources may deplete and it would be too late to take steps by then. So, we should focus on conserving as much of the environment and natural beauty as we can. Already statistical data shows how oil reserves are depleting and the greenery of forests is degrading . These are valuable resources so we must conserve them or at least reduce the amount we waste so that we can achieve a net win in the future.

City life and drab gray streets can get quite monotonous and frustrating. So, beauty should be there to provide us with a sense of being close to nature. People would argue that there are parks, but parks seem ‘artificial’ compared to green hills and lime green fields. Also, natural beauty is one of the main sources of tourist attraction. A very good example is our own country, Nepal. There are a lot of tourists as there is a lot of natural beauty around.

 As for solutions to the degradation of natural beauty, a major part of the effort should go towards educating people about conserving nature. This does not mean boring lectures and even more boring statistical data but actually involving them in activities. Public participation can do wonders and open a lot of eyes so that they really become aware of the effect crude development has on the environment. Also, the government of countries should also take some measures. Development should be sustainable. Technology has come a long way and now, people can indulge in “bio-geo-engineering” which basically means that development and urbanization is done with such an approach that mother nature takes minor harm.

As a conclusion, people should start protecting places of natural beauty. Since there are a lot of benefits and a lot of ways to conserve these places, we should not be sitting idle but actually making efforts so that humans and nature both benefit from it.

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