
Student Corner


Which place to grow up-Small town or Village
- Sarthak Pradhanang - 20122, G ... 02 March, 2020

There are many questions to ponder upon in life. What about this one-would you like to grow up in a small town or village? Well, one’s reply varies with the other. It depends on your opinions. I stand firmly with the belief that it is better to grow up in a small town because of: the ability to contribute, civilized existence and the availability of facilities.

Living in small towns develops your ability to contribute to the progress of needed areas. When living in areas such as towns we are in a surrounding that is already on the path to progress. The knowledge regarding these progress makes it easier for the people living in towns to have ideas regarding the progress and development of remote areas. Also, townspeople have access to education which further develops their knowledge and confidence to contribute from their side to the needy areas. Not only this but townspeople are bound to certain systems or rules.

Townspeople are also seen to be more civilized. We have seen that the people living in towns tend to be bound by certain rules and regulations of society. We can witness rules at home, work, educational institutions, etc. This factor makes townpeople more civilized. Apart from this, facilities is the most important factor that makes living in small towns better.

 In towns, one can enjoy many facilities compared to villages. There are provisions for drinking water, sanitation, roads, transport, internet, schools, colleges, etc. The availability of such facilities makes life easier for a person. Obviously this makes it better for a person to live in a small town.

So it is the provision of such facilities, binding to rules and regulations and the development of the ability to contribute that mainly makes it better and fruitful to reside in a small town. Everyone wants to live a life that is easier, with favorable surroundings and progressive society. This can be fulfilled to a large extent if a person can reside in a small town. So, everyone should consider living in a small town for their advantage.

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Is it good to have qualification for driving?
- Prayusha Acharya - 20118, Gra ... 01 March, 2020

An academic certificate does not define our life skills. A person should be allowed to have a driving license if s/he can drive properly regardless of their other skills. Driving is practical work and it cannot be considered depending upon the theoretical knowledge. It is completely fine to provide a non-class-12-graduate license because driving makes a person skilled, independent and responsible.

It’s never too early to learn a new thing in life. Driving is a basic life skill and almost 80% of the total population owns a driving license whether of cars, bikes or other automobiles. A person should be given a driving license no matter what their age or educational qualification is if s/he can pass the driving trial. There are some people eager to practice new skills and can do it with perfection at a young age.

Driving skill makes a person independent. They do not have to wait or ask other people to drive them to places they want to go. A person can be rich and fulfilled without completing class 12 and driving is the only skill they need in their life. It makes a person free to go anywhere anytime without having to depend upon others. It also saves one’s time.

Driving license grants a person certain responsibilities in their life. If any member of their family or friend is sick, they can rush him/her to the hospital in time. They could also be the one to pick or drop a child to the school. A driving license is a vital thing for a person who chooses to earn for their living by being a driver. It makes a person mature and careful.

Driving skills and educational qualifications have not connected between them at all. The policy of requiring a person to complete class 12 before receiving a driving license could hold back their life. A driving license should be given without judging educational skills because academic certificates are not given judging a driving skill. Thus it makes a person's life self-dependent, easier and better. 

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Life in village
- Prashant Shrestha - 20117, Gr ... 27 February, 2020

The lust of glamorous city life, actually unglamorous will surely make you lost in your life. At the end of the day what really matters to humans is a healthy, socialized and happy life which is the major composition we can find in the life of people of small towns or villages.

Just imagine you living in a place, breathing in the filthiest air, your ear tortured with the noises and your stomach full of junked stuff. This is the scenario of living in a crowded and polluted city. Why suffer from these if we can breathe in fresh and cool air, please our ear with the chirping of birds and hissing of winds and fill our tummies with the organic stuff? All these are possible in a village life. We get to experience nature closely and be all natural in our life. Even the stats have shown that the life expectancy of people in villages leads the life expectancy of people of the city by more than 10years. So growing in a city brings us a healthy and joyful life which ultimately helps us to be a part of society and the activities of social interactions.

Living just a life or a socialized life, depends on the environment you grow up in. Life in a village typically resembles a cooperative and social life where you got a lot to interact with your neighbours and elders of the society. And this thing is lacking in city life as life in the city is totally personal and  hectic too. We got to participate in different feasts and cultural programmes in villages which in turns create a special bond between the members of the community and this opens up a path for the individuals to learn about their cultures, ethics and norms and values. These all are the ways that teach to be socialized in life. Living a life with beautiful social networks and social bonds makes life a joyous moment to be lived.

Life is a short course of time which should be a happy time spent. Only wealth, facilities and services do not make our life happy. A happy life comes in  presence when there is the absence of materialism, stressed mind and personal time. Growing up in a village doesn’t divert our mind towards the greed of possessions and that will make our mind free of stress. Life in a village is close to nature. We can spend much of our time with nature and there is always a strong association of our soul with nature. This gives the warmth to our soul to stay happy. Likewise, we will have time for the family too. All these things wrap up our life to be happy.

It’s not actually bad to live in a city but why to choose good among the best. Village life resembles a quality and pure form of life that is lively, socially active and cheerful. If you want your life to be organic, choosing to grow up in a village or small towns will be great.

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Life close to heaven
- Kriti Rajbhandari - 20116, Gr ... 26 February, 2020

“Who can describe the pleasures and delight, the peace of mind and soft tranquility one would feel in the balmy air, green hills and rich woods of village”- Charles dickens. Village life and city life are quite on the opposite spectrum with one’s advantage is the disadvantage of others. But I personally prefer village life rather than city life. Village life is close to soul, less congestion and has unity.
In the hustle and bustle of the city people are losing their identity. Around two thirds of the world’s population lives in the city making it very congested.  The life expenditure in the city is high.  People are workaholics and are not bound to their culture. However in villages people live with their elderly which in turn helps to cultivate their aged old culture, norms and history. 
Similarly, villages are close to nature. It is peaceful with no noise which makes one close to their soul. The healthy lifestyle, availability of fresh products, and less pollution makes people fit and healthy. This lifestyle reduces the chance of cardiac diseases, obesity, high blood pressure and other mental diseases. Nature is only a few feet away so one could enjoy the scenic and mesmerizing people of nature and never get bored of it.
One of the most prominent advantages of villages is the brotherhood among the local people. Villagers are really hospitable and kind. They have the culture of treating guests as god. Barter system is still practiced in villages. The polluted air of the city doesn't affect villager life. The divine temples in the cities are the place where people draw inspiration for their future. So it develops a close bond between family members and the younger generation.
At last, identity and uniqueness is protected in villages. Away from the hustle and bustle their lies a peaceful, fresh, lively and diverse landscape with its one history and culture. It is a gift of nature where nature lives in companionship with humans.

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Increase your Kidneys’ EPO production naturally
- Prashant Shrestha - 20117, Gr ... 24 February, 2020

EPO(Erythropoietin) secreted by the kidney are the stimulators for red blood cell production. So the secretion of EPO boosts the performance of the athletes which will be discussed briefly below.

Tips to Maintain Optimal Kidney Health

One of the signs that a healthy and well-functioning kidneys show is a clear and odorless character of urine. The maintenance of a healthy kidney supports athletes for gaining physical performance at its peak during competition and for their recovery process too. It is because of the fact that a healthy functioning kidney produces EPO naturally at maximum level that is necessary for the production of RBCs (Red Blood Cells) which increases the capacity of blood as an oxygen carrier and the healthy kidney also helps to clean the blood of waste and toxin efficiently during the period of endurance.

 Some of the tips are as follows:

1. Stay hydrated:

To make your kidney healthy, you should stay hydrated. For the accurate amount of water to stay hydrated, an individual should halve his/her weight and drink that numerical value of weight in ounces of water. Not only water but any other freshly prepared juices and milk without fat can also be consumed to stay hydrated.

2. Natural and Nutritious Diet:

The natural and nutritious diet avoids the contents like toxin, excess salts, soda etc. So consuming a natural and nutritious diet helps the kidney to stay healthy by reducing the extra functioning of kidneys on purifying such toxins. Excess consumption of coffee, sodas, sweetened beverages and cold foods makes the kidney weak which hampers the production of EPO. So a natural and nutritious diet helps our kidney to stay healthy.

Foods for healthy kidneys

The foods listed below are the categories of foods that benefits our kidney:

I. Watermelons: Consumption of watermelon regularly cleanses our bladder which is good for our kidney.

II. Cranberry Juice: Cranberry juice not containing sugar additives should only be consumed. It guards our bladder by preventing bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall.

III. Fish and fish oils: The consumption of fish and fish oil makes our kidney function well in a healthy manner.

IV. Egg whites: Kidney needs pure protein with all essential amino acids and less phosphorus. Egg white is the best source of such protein. So consuming only egg whites benefits our kidney.

V. Olive oil: Olive oil contains oleic acid, polyphenols and antioxidants. So olive oil prevents the kidney from inflammation and oxidation.

VI. Cabbage: Cabbage is a good source for vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folic acid and fiber. 

3.  Kidney Rub and Tap:

It is a form of massage for kidneys done for about 2-3 minutes by rubbing up and down by placing your back of the hand above the skin where kidney lies. This massage is helpful to stimulate adrenal glands, circulate blood and draw energy to the kidneys.

4.  Maintaining low blood pressure: High blood pressure creates stress in the kidney. So it is beneficial to maintain low blood pressure for a healthy kidney.

5.  Physical Exercise: Physical exercise is helpful for a healthy kidney. The sweating caused by it assists the kidney to release out the toxins and wastes from our body. Physical exercise also prevents obesity, high blood pressure and ultimately kidney failure.

 6. Adequate Sleep Quota: Adequate sleep quota is important for a healthy functioning kidney.

 7.  Hot shower when under stress: During a stressful period, taking a hot shower relaxes the tight kidneys.

 8.   Avoid excessive proteins: Excessive protein consumption adds more load to the kidney to filter Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) out of the blood. This can rupture the capillaries(glomeruli) of kidneys.

9.  Avoid Regular Over-the-Counter Pain Pills: Ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin are the anti-inflammatory drugs that damage our kidney if taken regularly. So without any extreme conditions of prescription, it is better not to use such pills regularly.

Reference:  https://stuffthatspins.com/2012/07/23/increase-your-kidneys-epo-production-naturally-kidney-health-red-blood-cell-count-and-athletic-peak-performance/

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- Girwan Paudyal - 21107, Grade ... 23 February, 2020

I saw a thought-provoking sight while I was on my way to college on Valentine’s morning. Of course, Valentine’s day is a cliché full of ironic moments; but the sight before me proved to be more impacting than I thought. Hours later, my mind still wanders to that sight. Enough beating around the bush, I’ll tell you what happened. I saw a girl eagerly awaiting her love, her moon among the stars, with a red rose held in her hands. She was standing by the road and on the road, a funeral procession (like the ones Lamas have) trudged silently and mournfully along the road, a casket on shoulders held high. Ironic, isn’t it?

 How on a day meant to celebrate love, meant to celebrate “life”; sometimes things go awry and a curse befalls you. Yes, IRONIC, is the right word. But I had an even deeper thought, an “awakening” of sorts. I wondered how we live our entire lives inside our own little bubble. A bubble of laughter at times, desperation and sorrow at others; a bubble of hope and faith but also, curse and death. Seldom our thoughts wander outside this little bubble; seldom we contemplate greater things-truly greater things. Goes to show just how insignificant we can be and ignorant we can be to other people. We see faces, forget them as quickly but seldom do we wonder what story hides inside. The sight I saw on that day, I thought these very thoughts. Two different bubbles, just meters apart. Two different emotions, two different hearts. There is more irony to be found here if we only think more. A child blows bubbles frequently, they fly high-ignorance is bliss, but sometimes, they cross and they merge and we classify it as “rare”. Two people, same place, same time yet galaxies and worlds apart… Ironic, isn’t it?

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When Zambia Tried To Reach Mars!
- Anmol Baral - 21137, Grade XI ... 16 February, 2020

Zambia, yes Zambia. A nation situated in southern Africa is a landlocked country of rugged terrain having a total area of 752,618 square kilometers which has a total population of 17,351,708 as of 2018 and total a GDP(PPP) of $76.52 billion as of 2019. (So to sum up GDP-Nominal is the total size of the economy, GDP-PPP is the total size of the economy normalized for local price variations, and GDP-PPP Per Capita is how efficient the economy is.) This status sounds as if it is possible for Zambia to be able to afford space-traveling right? 

However, the title has a twist. Zambia, which was a former self-governing British colony, and was renamed Zambia at independence in 1964. You see, here the nation was free from British rule in 1964. In the midst of the celebration for the newly gained freedom from colonialism, an ambitious college professor develops a great project for his country: he wants to create a space program and send the first African astronaut to the moon, possibly before the US and the USSR manage to do so.  For a fact, the US and the USSR were the only two superpowers of the world at that time.

Let's view it this way, "It's the 60s: the world is divided by the Cold War, and the USA is in the midst of the Space Race against Russia. While the international public observes the two powers, plans for the conquest of the universe, in remote and forgotten parts of the world there are still big dreamers." 

 Now, heading straight back to the title, this is the story of Edward Makuka Nkoloso, who founded (independently and without any kind of government support), the National Academy of Science, Space Research and Philosophy, Zambia's first and only space program.  A 17 years old girl, "Matha '' and two cats are chosen as the "Afronauts" to be sent on the Moon, and later, even on Mars, board a copper and aluminum rocket. A training camp was set a few miles from Lusaka, the capital of the nation and to have the astronauts accustomed to the lack of gravity, a series of physical exercises were developed (for example, the self-proclaimed director would launch the aspiring astronauts down from steep hills inside huge oil barrels).  

Seriously? Partially visionary, probably detached from reality, Nkoloso was extremely serious about the project, and as himself claimed "We 're Going to Mars! With a Spacegirl, Two Cats and a Missionary." He even made a request for 7 million pounds to UNESCO. The complex program also included the establishment of a Ministry of Christianity on Mars, although there was no intention of imposing their religion with violence on the inhabitants of the planet. Unfortunately, the lack of funding, the hostility of the government and the fact that Matha became pregnant during the training time (in an official letter  Nkoloso himself complained about the constant, physical, distractions of his young students), forced the man's dreams to collapse, and the program was left to die.



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Who am I?
- Chitra Tamang - 20112, Grade ... 13 February, 2020

When I try to recall my past memories, all I could remember is the old two-story home with four goddesses only. When I was around the age of 6, I remember my sisters carrying me in their shoulder, playing with me, feeding me and taking me to the pre-school. Despite the unconditional love and care of my sisters, I always used to seek my mom. My mom used to come home late in the evening working all day. When she arrives home, we used to fall asleep and she used to wake us, feed us, put us back in bed and after completing all household chores, lean beside me. Every day instead of bedtime stories, she used to tell me about what others told her when there were only daughters in our home, how my grandmother used to censure her for having only girls. At that moment, I was incomprehensible, used to feel her warmth and fall asleep. Whenever I used to walk with my mom everyone used to say; “Finally, you have a son after 4 daughters, nor then your ancestry would have been destroyed.” I was so small back then that I could not defend my mom but instead listen to them as a compliment. At that time, my mom used to smile back at them and move away.

Now, when I remember what people used to gossip about my family, I regard myself as a savior but also feel guilt deep inside that I could not be there when my mom had to face those terrible phases. Whenever I fail, get depressed, I always look back at my mom’s struggle and ultimately get motivated and move ahead. Days, months and years pass by, now our old tenement home is converted into the Bungalow where my mom rules our home like the queen does and my sisters roam like the princess under the love of a mother, father, and brother.

Time changed, placed changed, but my family’s dedication, diligence, and love for each never changed. I am me, not who you think; overwhelmed with money and love but the diamond of the family who always wishes to shine the light on the family.

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If I could change one thing in the world
- Prayusha Acharya - 20118, Gra ... 11 February, 2020

If there was one thing in the world that I would change, it would definitely be a Linguistic variation of the world. There are about 195 countries in the world and the fact that every country has its own 10-15 or more languages is astounding yet, pointless. Linguistic variations consume our time, disguise and demand more effort.

Linguistic variation consumes our time in learning languages. Instead of utilizing our time in retaining knowledge regarding various subject matters, we need to spend time just translating the basic words like ‘Hello’ in English to ‘Namaste’ in Nepali to ‘Ni hao’ in Chinese. The world is bigger and we should understand how to explore. Linguistic variation is tedious.

Language disguises thoughts. It changes the appearance of how things really are. One cannot feel the same way as they hear a sentimental sentence in their native language as they feel when they hear a sentence in another language. Linguistic variation makes our style of expressing worth more than our words. It makes a difference.

Linguistic variation demands our wasted effort. We cannot chat with a person from foreign countries without the help of Google or translator apps. Linguistic variation can sometimes be embarrassing due to mistranslation. Communication is difficult with this variation. Watching movies with subtitles isn't the same as it demands more effort.

Though languages are the identity of our tradition or nation, it should not bother us. I would definitely eliminate this thing from the world if I could. It wastes our time, makes a difference in our thoughts and makes communication difficult.  Everyone in the world could be using the same language and communication would be much easier.

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