
Student Corner

Now The City Sleeps

Written by: Girwan Paudyal - 21107, Grade XI

Posted on: 05 November, 2019

Birds chirp and flutter, trying to find their nests
Across the sky is the Sun's last dying red smear
The hustle is quieting down in the Bazaar
Its evening time, signal for the end of another day that was bizarre

Buses empty and honks die down
Shutters close and doors shut
Now, the city is naked and quiet
Because now, the city sleeps

Few are awake and watchful
Entrusted with the city's protection
Within closed doors, people now enjoy
The end of another hectic day

All is quiet, not a creak to be heard
Dogs bark in distant places
The Sun will soon penetrate the leaves
And now, gradually, the city wakes from its slumber