
Student Corner


बढ्दो महँगी
- Shreejal Khatri - 22024, Grad ... 15 September, 2021

बजारमा प्रतिस्पर्धा हुनाले भाउको स्थिरपन रहँदैन । आजको बजारमा महँगाइ निकै नै बढाइएको छ । नेपाली परिप्रेक्ष्यमा त सर्वप्रथम महँगी बढ्नुको कारण अधिकांश सामान विदेशबाट आयात गरिएकाले हो । त्यसमाथि देशमा अशान्ति, हिंसा, बन्दप्रकरण आदिले दिनप्रतिदिन महँगी बढ्दै गएकामा हाल काेराेना भाइरसकाे सङ्क्रमणका कारण उत्पन्न असहज परिस्थिति र लकडाउनका कारण त झन महँगीले आकाश छाेएकाे छ ।

बन्द भन्यो, बासी सामान पनि चौबर बढी मूल्यमा बेच्ने गरेको देखिन्छ भने स्थानीय बसोबास अन्यत्रबाट भरमार रूपमा जनसङ्ख्याको चाप बढ्नाले पनि महँगीले आकाश छोएको छ । राजनीतिक अस्थिरता, विदेशमाथि निर्भरता आदिका साथ वस्तुहरूको माग बढी भएकाले र वस्तुको आपूर्ति सीमित रहनाले पनि महँगी बढेको हो । अर्को, खाडी क्षेत्रमा भएको राजनीतिक उथलपुथलले प्रेटोलियम पदार्थको मूल्यमा वृद्धि हुँदै जाँदा अन्य वस्तुको पनि मूल्य स्वतः बढ्ने नै भयो । सवारी र ढुवानीमा महँगी बढ्नाले सम्पूर्ण बजार प्रभावित भएर महँगी बढ्यो । अहिले महँगीले आकाश छोएको छ।  छिमेकी देशमै कुनै सामानको १० पैसामात्र मूल्य वृद्धि गर्दा पनि लाखौँ जनता सडकमा ओर्लन्छन्, रेलमार्गमा सुतेर विरोध जनाउँदछन् जसले गर्दा १० पैसा मूल्यवृद्धि गर्न पनि १० पटक सोच्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । यहाँ एउटै सामानको लगभग सय रूपियाँ मूल्य वृद्धि गर्दा पनि खासै विरोध हुन्न । विरोध गरेपनि कुनै मूल्यबाट एक रूपियाँ घटाइन्छ तर वास्तविकतामा मूल्य वृद्धि गरिएकै हुन्छ । यहाँ एक रुपैयाँ घटाउने र ठूलो मूल्य वृद्धि गर्ने गरिन्छ । उपभोक्तामा जागरुकता नभएको हो कि यहाँका मानिसको सहनशीलता बढी भएको हो भन्ने यसैबाट बुझ्न सकिन्छ । यस्तो सहनशीलताकै कारणले होला, विदेशीहरू पनि हाम्रा दैनिक आवश्यकताका सरसामानको व्यापार गर्न यहाँ आउँदछन् र मन लागेजति भाउ बढाएर पैसा कमाउँछन् । यहाँ व्यापार भनेपछि मानिसहरूको दिमागमा लुट्ने र पैसा खाने सोच मात्र आउँछ । सामान मात्र होइन, यातायातले पनि यस्तै रूपमा मनपरी भाडा लिइदिन्छन् । यस्तो सबै हुँदा पनि कसैले पनि चुइँक्क आवाज उठाएका हुँदैनन् । यसले गलत मनोवृत्तिलाई बढावा दिन्छ । 

यस्तो अवस्थामा सरकारी संयन्त्र र उपभोक्ता सजग भई कालाबजारी आदिकाे बजारमाथिकाे नियन्त्रण हटाई केही हदसम्म महँगी वृद्धिलाई रोक्न अग्रसर रहनुपर्दछ । अर्को महत्त्वपूर्ण कुरा भनेको धेरैजसो मानिसलाई आफूमात्र बाँचाैँ भन्ने स्वार्थले हानी गरिरहन्छ । त्यसैले धनदेखि सामानसम्म सङ्ग्रह गरेर राख्ने बानीले अभिप्रेरित हुने गरेको पाइन्छ । यसैबाट महँगी बढ्न पुगेको हो । यसकारण आफू मात्र हैन, अरू पनि छन् भन्ने भाव यदि सबैले दिमागमा राखेमा अनावश्यक रूपमा सामानहरू जम्मा गर्ने बानी हुने छैन । यसबाट पनि महँगी बढ्न पाउँदैन ।

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Negative effects of Prostitution in society
- Jubin Maharjan - 22026, Grade ... 15 September, 2021

Prostitution is the act of engaging in sexual activity with someone in exchange of money or any other economic benefits. The act of prostitution is done by both men, women or transgender. Prostitution has been around in our society for centuries and there has been many arguments about whether it should be legal or not. Currently prostitution has been legalized in 53 countries and illegal in 35 countries including Nepal.
Across different countries whether the act of prostitution be legal or illegal, the effects of prostitution has been the same. Many countries legalize prostitution believing that it reduces crime rate, improves the public health, increases tax revenue, boosts Tourism and many more, but these optimistic beliefs are easily over shadowed by the many negative effects of prostitution.
People believe that legalizing prostitution will have some positive effect but legalizing prostitution itself will bring many other negative effects on the society such as objectification of women, normalization of violence against prostitutes, increases the rate of women trafficking, reinforcing gender inequalities. A lot of clients of prostitution have a disgusting mindset that if they paid the prostitute, they have the right to do anything to them which in terms has caused many criminal activities such as sexual assault, rape, women trafficking, etc. In the countries where prostitution was legalized many of the women working there were victim of sexual or physical abuse. Whenever a prostitute says “NO” to the request of the client, violence and force is used to receive “consent”. The countries with legalized prostitution also have higher rate of human trafficking than the countries where prostitution is illegal. Prostitution reinforces gender inequality as mainly the women are lured into the act of prostitution due to the higher number of male clients.
Even if prostitution is legalized it still has its negative impact. Legalizing prostitution does not change the fact the women working in the industry are getting assaulted or violated. In comparison to countries where prostitution is not legalized the crime rate is even high in the legalized countries. It has more negative impacts than positive one as commodification of the human body will have a different mindset. 

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How Taiwan beat COVID-19 until it didn’t.
- Diya Bajracharya - 23021, Gra ... 15 September, 2021

While the world was struggling with rising covid cases, Taiwanese were living their normal lives. It was May 2021 when Taiwan faced the biggest covid outbreak. Taiwan has been much appreciated for its phenomenal health care services like its 99% medical coverage to people and the infrastructure that has been set up. It is said that just 7 people have died from this virus. Taiwan has set up a National agency named Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC). During the outbreak, CECC would become the central public health authority that has access to information across all government agencies and will be the leading agency which will take all necessary precautions and actions to prevent the further spreading of the virus.. Over these 15 years, CECC was activated during three smaller outbreaks earlier. 
After a novel pneumonia case rose from China, CECC was activated again. The government implemented a smart card system that stored medical information digitally for each individual. CECC was able to integrate citizen’s travel data with their health care data which allowed them to assess risk at the level of an individual. The government came up with a strategy of dividing people into two segments: High risk and low risk. People who had recently traveled or could have been in contact with the virus were kept in 14 days quarantine, were considered high risk. Those people at high risk were taken by a quarantined taxi to a designated place with no physical interaction with anyone. Whereas, people with no health issues or who did not have any recent travel history were considered low risk. Those low-risk individuals were provided with a dozen masks, sanitizers and lived a normal life. 
With all these strategies in place, it was not enough to beat covid-19 in itself, additional strategies were put in place like everywhere else in the world. Strict lockdowns were implied throughout the country where no inter-country travel was allowed. People had to halt their lifestyles and stay home. 
Taiwan is still getting its outbreak under control, which is only possible through vaccination and the meticulous health care services that the country has. 

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Chernobyl disaster - The most dangerous man-made disaster ever encountered?
- Rakshit Dahal - 2022024, Grad ... 09 August, 2021

Chernobyl Nuclear Facility consisted of four RBMK reactors out of which each reactor would generate 1000 Megawatt ( MW) of electricity. The Chernobyl Nuclear Facility was responsible for at least 10 percent of electricity supplied to Ukraine. Altogether the USSR consisted of ten 1000 RBMK nuclear power plants. On April 26 , reactor number 4 in Chernobyl exploded, marking it to be one of the deadliest nuclear disasters.
It was April 26 in the chilly afternoon of Saturday near the city of Pripyat, north of Ukranian SSR in the Soviet Union ( Modern Day Ukranian).Now the reason why Cheronobyl exploded can be partially explained because of the design fault but the other major issue it had, were the inadequate trained personnel inside the control room. The accident occured while running a safety test on an RBMK - type nuclear reactor.Chernobyl disaster is known to be one of the key factors which resulted in the downfall of Soviet Union.
To explain how serious the case was , 24 hours after the explosion, the exposed nuclear core produced radiation worth 40 nuclear bombs( the one dropped in Hiroshima).The longer the time the more radiation it would give.Today Chernobyl serves as tourist spot , it still isn’t operational and is still reactive. More than 49,000 people were evacuated, the officials stated it to be for a short period of time. To this date no one has returned and is by law illegal to live in Pripyat, which today is known as the exclusion zone.

There’s a series called Chernobyl on HBO where it has been explained well.

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कानुनको महत्त्व
- Shreejal Khatri - 22024, Grad ... 29 July, 2021

कानुन भनेको नियम हो । परिवार, समाज र राष्ट्र सबै नियमअनुसार चलेका हुन्छन्। राष्ट्रको मूल नियम भनेको संविधान हो । समाजिक मर्यादा, अनुशासन कायम गर्न सबै जनतालाई निर्देशन गर्ने काम कानुनले गर्छ । 

समाजमा अनेक प्रकारका मानिसहरू बसोबास गर्छन् । ती मानिसहरू सबै नैतिकवान् र नियम कानुनको पालना गर्ने खालका हुँदैनन् । अर्कातिर समाजमा आर्थिक रूपले कोही गरिब र केही धनी पनि हुन्छन् । गरिब तथा निमुखालाई धनीले थिचोमिचो गर्छन्, अन्यायमा पार्दछन् । त्यस्तो बेला कानुनको आवश्यकता पर्दछ । यदि कानुन भएन भने समाज मात्र होइन राष्ट्रमै निकै समस्याहरू बढ्दछन् र आउँदछन् । कानुनबिना अशान्ति पनि निकै नै फैलिन्छ त्यसैले सबै मानिसलाई नियन्त्रणमा ल्याउन कानुन निकै जरुरी छ । 

वास्तवमा कानुनले शान्ति सुरक्षा कायम गर्ने, जनधनको सुरक्षा गर्ने र राष्ट्रलाई कतैबाट कुनै प्रकारले क्षति हुन नदिने काम गर्छ । राष्ट्रको कानुनी दृष्टि मजबुत पार्न पनि कानुन बनाइएको हुन्छ । यसरी कानुनका आधारमा चल्ने राज्यलाई कानुनी राज भनिन्छ । कानुनले प्रमाण पाउन साथ त्यसैका आधारमा दोषी लाई दण्डसजाय दिने गर्दछ। कानुनी राज्यमा कानुन शक्तिशाली हुनुपर्छ । कानुन शक्तिशाली नभएको खण्डमा अनेकौँ विकृति देखा पर्न सक्छन् । यसले गर्दा कानुन पालना गर्ने र लागु गर्ने प्रश्नमा राज्यले कडा नीतिलाई अपनाउनै पर्छ ।

कोही कोही मानिसहरूले पैसाको लोभमा कानुन पनि मिचेको पनि देखिन्छ । हाम्रो देशमा सरकारहरूले पनि पैसा पाएमा कानुनलाई पनि क्षति गर्ने काम गर्दछन् । यसले गर्दा सबै मानिसहरूको हकले पनि मान्यता पाउने छैन । यसले गर्दा हामीले एकदम राम्रो र भरोसा हुने मानिसहरूलाई त्यस्तो पदमा राख्नुपर्छ ।

देशमा एकता र शान्ति ल्याउनका लागि कानुन निकै महत्त्वपूर्ण छ । यसले मानिसलाई अनुशासित बनाउँदछ । कानुनले सबै मानिसलाई नियन्त्रणमा ल्याउँदछ र क्षति गर्ने काम पनि घटाउँदछ । यसकारण देशमा एकदम तगडा र राम्रो खालका नियमहरू बनाउनुपर्दछ र त्यसको कार्यान्वयन गनि सही रूपमा गर्नुपर्दछ ।

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- Simon Sangat - 22019, Grade X ... 29 July, 2021

A life without emotions would be boring and empty. Our experiences of love, anger, joy, fear, and other emotions energize and add color to our lives. Emotions are feelings that contain a pattern of cognitive, physiological, and behavioral responses to events. Emotion theorist Richard Lazarus, believed that motivation and emotions are always linked, because we only react emotionally when our motives and goals are gratified, threatened, or frustrated.

Emotions also have significant adaptive functions. Some emotions, such as fear, are part of an emergency arousal system that increases our chances of survival, for example when we are fighting or fleeing, when we are exposed to a threat or danger. But positive emotions such as interest, joy, excitement, contentment and love also have important adaptive functions. They help us build intimate relationships and expand our thinking and behavior so that we can explore, consider new ideas, try new ways to achieve goals, play games and enjoy what we have. Emotions are an important form of social communication. By providing clues about our internal states and intentions, emotions influence how other people behave towards us. For example, consider the effects of a crying baby on the mother, who generally responds with caring behaviors that are of obvious value to the baby's survival. Expressions of sadness and distress also evoke concern, empathy, and helpful behavior in others. Positive emotional expressions also pay off. A smiling baby is likely to increase parental feelings of affection and, increasing the likelihood that the child's biological and emotional needs will be met. Happy adults also tend to attract others and have supportive and more peaceful relationships. Emotions are triggered by external or internal stimuli. Emotional responses are the result of our assessment of these stimuli, which gives the situation a certain meaning.

Emotions are triggered by external or internal stimuli. Emotional responses result from our appraisals of these stimuli, which give the situation it’s perceived meaning and significance.
Our bodies respond physiologically to our appraisals. We may become physically aroused, as when we feel fear, joy, or anger; or we may experience decreased arousal, as when we feel contentment or depression. Emotions include behavior tendencies. Some are expressive behaviors such as smiling with joy or crying with sadness.     

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दुःखको अन्धकारमा ज्योति
- Kabin Rijal - 22010, Grade XI ... 27 July, 2021

आकाश हो गन्तव्य जमिनले थामेको छ, 
अब उडान भर्नु छ अतीतको दुःख भुली 
सूर्यको तापले पनि नपग्लिने पङ्ख खोजी ।

समुद्रको बिचैबिच एउटा डुङ्गा तरिरहेको छ । मान्नुस्, त्याे डुङ्गामा तपाईं हुनुहुन्छ l डुङ्गामा तपाईंले अहिलेसम्म कमाएकाे सबै धनसम्पत्ति राखिएको छ तर अचानक खराब मौसमको कारण तपाईंंको डुङ्गाबाट तपाईंंको सबै धनसम्पत्ति समुद्रमा खस्न पुग्यो र कसो कसो गरी तपाईंंले आफ्नो ज्यान जोगाउन सफल हुनुभयो l अब तपाईंसँग दुईओटा मात्र विकल्प छन् l   समुद्रको बिचैबिच आफ्नो धनसम्पत्ति गएको दुःखमा रुँदै बस्नु र अब जीवनमा केही पनि गर्न नसक्ने भनेर हार मान्नु l तपाईं त्यही डुबेको सम्पत्ति तपाईंंलाई कति महत्त्वपूर्ण थियो भनेर तपाईंले समुद्रको चिसो हावालाई बुझाउन सक्नुहुन्छ अथवा हार नमानी मौन भई समुद्रको किनारमा आउने बाटो खोजेर नयाँ सुरुवात गर्नु l 

यस समुद्रको उदाहरणजस्तै हाम्रो जीवनमा पनि धेरै यस्ता अवस्थाहरू अlउँछन् तर सायद हामीलाई थाहा पनि हुँदैन कि हाम्रो जिन्दगीले हाम्रो परीक्षा लिइरहेको छ भनेर र त्यो जीवनको परीक्षामा दुःखको बिउमा मल दिने कि सुखको बिउमा मल दिने भन्ने उत्तर हामीमाथि नै निर्भर हुन्छ l अतीतको गल्तीलाई लिएर हाम्रो आउनेवाला सुमधुर भविष्यलाई बिगार्ने छौँ अथवा हामी त्यसबाट पाठ सिकेर अगाडि बढ्ने छौँ र सुमधुर भविष्य बनाउने छौँ, यो सबै हाम्रै हातमा हुने छ l पृथ्वीमा जन्म लिइसकेपछि हामीले दुःखलाई पन्छाउन सक्दैनाैँ l दुःखको त्यो कालो घडीमा दुःख  मनाएर हारको त्यो कालो मुखौटोले छोपेको त्यो शरीरमा कहिले उज्यालोको प्रकाश छिर्न पाउँदैन l 

हामी धेरै दुःखी तब हुँदैनाैँ जब नराम्रो घटना घट्छ, हामी दुःखी त तब हुन्छौँ जब त्यो अचानक घट्छ l असार महिना वर्षाको महिना हो भनेर हामी सबैलाई थाहा छ त्यसैले हामी बाहिर जाँदा हामीले पानीबाट बच्न पहिलेदेखि आफूसँग छाता बोकेर हिँड्छौँ । त्याे बेला थोरै पानीका थोपा शरीरमा पर्दा पनि हामीलाई त्यति दुःख लाग्दैन तर यदि चैत वैशाखमा हामी कतै बाहिर जाँदा पानीले भिजायो भने हामी धेरै दुःखी हुन्छौँ किनकि चैत वैशाख वर्षाको महिना हैन र हामीले पानीसँग बच्ने केही कुरा आफूसँग बोकेका हुँदैनाैँ र सबै कुरा अचानक हुन्छ l 

त्यसैले हामीले केही कार्य गर्नुअघि त्यस कार्यको सकारात्मक र नकारात्मक पक्षलाई राम्रोसँग परीक्षण गर्नुपर्छ, जसका कारण यदि केही नकारात्मक घटना घटिहाल्यो भने पनि  हामीसँग त्यो घटना अचानक हुँदैन र हामीले त्यो कालो क्षणलाई उज्यालोको प्रकाश दिन सक्छौँ l 

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एन. बी. ए. २०२०-२१
- Adhit Upadhyay - 22003, Grade ... 26 July, 2021

बास्केटबल संसारभरि फैलिएको र संसारभरि धेरै मात्रामा खेलिने एक रोमाञ्चक खेल हो ।  यो खेललाई सन्  १८९१ मा जमेस नैस्मिथ नामक मानिसले बनाएका थिए । यो खेलमा २ टिम एक आपसमा प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्दछन् । दुवै टिमबाट ५/५ जना गरी मैदानमा १० खेलाडीहरू हुन्छन् । यो खेल पहिलो, दाेस्रो, तेस्राे र चाैथाे क्वार्टर गरी ४ वटा क्वार्टरमा बाँडिएको हुन्छ । यो खेल संसारको ७ औँ श्रेणीमा पर्दछ ।  
 एन. बी. ए. (नेसनल बास्केटबल असोसिएसन) चर्चित बास्केटबल लिग हो । यो लिग सन् १९४६ जुन ६ मा न्युयोर्क भन्ने सहरबाट सुरु भएको थियो । यो लिग आजभन्दा ७५ वर्षअगाडि नै बनेको हो । यो लिगमा ३० ओटा टिम रहेका छन् र तिसमध्ये २९ ओटा युनाइटेड स्टेट्स्‌बाट छन् भने एउटा चाहिँ क्यानडाबाट । 

एन. बी. ए. २०२०-२१ अहिले सम्मको ७५ औँ सिजन थियो । ३० ओटा टिममध्ये १६ ओटा टिम प्लेअफबाट आएका थिए । ८ ओटा टिम इस्टर्न कन्फेरेन्स् र  अरू ८ टिम वेस्टर्न कन्फेरेन्स्‌बाट आएका थिए । इस्टर्नबाट अरू टिमलाई हराउँदै मिलवाकी बक्स् र एट्लान्टा हक्स सेमिफाइनलमा पुगेका थिए । त्यसैगरी वेस्टर्नबाट अरू टिममाथि विजय हासिल गर्दै लस एन्जलस क्लिपर्स् र फिनिक्स सन सेमिफाइनलमा पुगेका थिए । 

बक्स् र हक्सको खेलमा बक्स्‌ हक्सलाई पराजित गर्दै इस्टर्न कन्फेरेन्स्‌बाट फाइनलमा पुगेको थियो । त्यसैगरी वेस्टन कन्फेरेन्स्‌का दुई टिमबाट लस एन्जलस क्लिपर्सलाई हराउँदै फिनिक्स सन फाइनलमा पुगेकाे थियाे । यी दुई टिमबिच भएको कडा प्रतिस्पर्धापछि फिनिक्स सनलाई हराउँदै  मिलवाकी बक्स् एन. बी. ए. २०२०-२१ काे विजेता टिम बन्याे । ५० वर्षपछि मिलवाकी बक्स्‌ले यो साल एन. बी. ए.को कप उठाएको हो ।

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My First Flight
- Binaya Rijal - 202220, Grade ... 26 July, 2021

I got an opportunity to study in Kathmandu, as most of us “outsiders” always long for what Kathmandu is like and what I will get from there. I was very excited to visit Kathmandu, and mostly I was very excited for my first flight. On Poush 2077, I along with my friends got an opportunity to visit Kathmandu from Phidim. First, we took a Taxi to reach Bhadrapur because the airport is in Bhadrapur, Jhapa district. After we reached Bhadrapur, we started moving to the airport. 

We were very excited to travel by airplane. That was the first time that we saw an airport. After some Formal chit-chat, we went for the security check. After the security check, we entered inside for the Boarding pass. The Buddha Airways flight was scheduled to leave at 1:30 pm. The Flight was on time and luckily, I had the window seat which doubled my excitement. I was fully prepared and waiting for the take-off. Before take-off, Air hostesses introduced themself and they told us about safety rules. Both introductory sessions were in English and Nepali language so it was easy to understand. Finally, the time came, the plane was moving forward on the runway, I felt the jolt throughout till the opposite end and all the while I was feeling as if I was in a bus. Finally, it took an about-turn and increased the speed exponentially. Within a few seconds, I was high, up in the sky. The view was breathtaking. The roads, buildings, rivers, fields, everything was very tiny, all seemed like lines, toys, etc. The city looked like a small toy model of a city. 

My ears were humming initially when the plane increased in height, but later on, everything was fine. The distance from Bhadrapurto Kathmandu is about 50 minutes but most airplanes took about 1 hour to land. I had heard of peoples’ experiences of getting chocolates, drinks, etc but I didn't get anything, whether they were lying or I wasn’t lucky. I had this feeling throughout. Finally, I got to know it was because of covid-19, and that time was so risky to travel. Finally, we reached Kathmandu at 2:30 pm. The Tribhuvan International airport is really big and the view is so eye-catching. After reaching there, we received our bags and a bus dropped us off at the airport. So, many planes were lined up there. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. 

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Women in pre-colonial South Asia: Humiliated or Glorified?
- Arpan Acharya - 23010, Grade ... 25 July, 2021

The answer representing our world today is a big “ YES” as most of the South Asian population is labeled as misogynists and people with lower mindsets or standards of treating women. But, my perspective is not to elaborate on this present status, rather this article will tend to explore the state of our women in prehistoric Vedic times where there was no interference of Britishers and influence of Californication. 
This time is known as the Rig Vedic Period [ 1500BCE-1100 BCE].

In order to prove the prominence of women in that time, we can take examples of their involvement in the family’s economic status. Women had an equal contribution to the financial status of the family by engaging themselves in the local professions at that time like weaving, sewing, and corn grinding, etc. Also, we cannot forget their involvement in wars and defense. Women had great pride and personality. If we carefully read the hymns of rig Veda and interpret them, every sexist thought that we have will get eliminated. In fact, most of the mantras of rig Veda are written by women. This involvement of women in writing the holiest scriptures of the religion itself proves to answer the patriarchal blames for the religion. In terms of having a voice and rights, women were jubilated with freedom and independence having access to education, proper guidance, and active participation in public discourse. One of the hymns when translated says that “the woman and her new husband are of the same level as her previous husband”. This clarifies that a widow’s marriage was permitted at that time.

Women at that time had immense respect and validation, not for being a housewife or mistress but a true individual with great potential to serve humanity. In my opinion, what degrades our norms and forms all these taboos and sexist beliefs might be a consequence of several invasions, different colonial myths, and of course the “Californication”.

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