
Student Corner

My Memorable Trip

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 2025016, Grade VII

Posted on: 01 November, 2020

On our visit to Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia, I actually got lost. I went to a cruise ship and we lost our way to the hotel. 

We had taken a flight from Malaysia and reached Singapore. We checked at the airport and after three hours, we finally got out of the airport. We visited Marret street and we were making our way to an Aquatic museum. We stopped to take a rest and I went to the restroom. When I came out of the restroom, I was lost. I searched everyone for fifteen minutes and on the same trip one of my cousins also got lost. But after some time, I saw my brother and he took me to others and we started looking for my cousin. Hopefully, we soon found him. After that we went to visit an Aquatic museum. It was like I was in the middle of an ocean. The day was about to get over and we decided to visit a replica of a cruise ship.

We went inside the ship and it seemed luxurious but the food was not at all good, it was smelly and we saw people fishing in the dirty river.  We got out of the Cruise ship and we went back to our hotel. But the very next day, we lost our way to the hotel. We had visited a racing club and we went to a nearby shop and asked them and they guided us back to our hotel. We went back to the hotel and the next day we flew to Thailand. We visited, ‘The Great Buddha’ but when we reached Thailand, the King of Thailand passed away just a day later. It was our misfortune. We were stuck in Thailand and there was a curfew, we couldn’t visit any more places and after some days, after curfew was lifted, we took a flight and came back to Nepal. I still cannot believe I spent several days in a hotel in Thailand. Upon our arrival, I was surprised to know one of my relatives had a baby. It was a good surprise of course!  So this trip and those days on the trip, I can never forget!