
Student Corner

My Mom, My Inspiration

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 18 October, 2020

Everybody has their inspiration and role model, right? Why do we call them our role models because they are the people who inspire us to anything and help to be motivated and they are the ones who play a vital role in our life bringing us huge change and difference? I also have someone as my inspiration from whom I get motivated. And the person is my mom. She is my very first inspiration and role model. She gives me hope, courage, and inspires me to be my best version.

Although, she has a lot of works to do she manages to make time for me. She works very hard for the family. When I lose my hope, courage, determination, intention to anything I observe her, and I get motivated by how she works all day not for only herself but for also others. I get inspiration from her in m studies and other extra works. She has taught me a lot of things in my life to not be selfish, to help others, thinking of others for yourself, to respect others, and to be kind to everything. A mother is someone who inspires her children to make the best of them. For me, my mother is a role model, my inspiration, and my everything. I don’t know how she manages to all her work by herself, observing this fact that a mother never retires, it is true. Whether it is her office work or households, she never retires from her position and also manages to fulfill all the needs of her family. I also want to be like her fulfilling everybody’s needs and managing time with all the works on time.

The inspiration I get from her is really fascinating. I want to be like her carrying all the loads of the works in my arms and manage everything. One day, I want to say to her is that ‘You can rest mom, I will take over the duties of the family and the house. My mom is a role model for me because she is the best person I have met in my life and she is the one who was in my difficult times, who supported me and who taught me a lot of things, and the one who inspired and motivated to be myself and my best version. Because of her, my presence is here and because of her, my presence will be always there.