
Student Corner

Lesson Learned From Flood

Written by: Aakanchhya Khadka - 2026001, Grade VI

Posted on: 13 October, 2020

Once upon a time, there was a small village in the south of Nepal, located in Kanchanrup in Saptari district called Bandra. It was a small village where very few people lived. In that small village, lived a boy named Ram. He helped everyone. He was helpful and kind. On the other hand, there was a boy called Prajwol. He was just the opposite of Ram. He only used to think about himself and never helped others, not even his mother. He did a lot of mischiefs all the time.

His mother had already given up hope and had stopped scolding Prajwol. Meanwhile, the villagers were often troubled by Prajwol’s behavior and attitude.  It was a monsoon season and the villagers were working in the field. It was raining very heavily and suddenly the Saptakoshi river rose high and there was a huge flood. It destroyed the farmers' hard work; their crops and their field. The fishermen came after a while on their boats and helped them rescue.  

The Prajwol’s family was on a boat. There was hardly any space for Prajwol. He noticed a cat and a puppy and threw them in the water and managed a seat for himself. Then he realized, while throwing those poor animals he had thrown his favorite toy as well. He tried to get his toy back and fell off the boat. Prajwol’s mother started to scream and pleaded for help. Ram and his family were nearby. Ram saw Prajwol drowning and he dived to save him. He not only saved Prajwol but also the puppy and the cat. Ram also helped rescue teams to save other peoples’ lives. The rescue team later gave him a medal for his bravery. Seeing this Prajwol realized the value or virtue. Learning from Ram, Prajwol has also started to help others. 

I hope you have also learned a lesson from this story and so have I!