
Student Corner

The Moon

Written by: Eva Adhikari - 2028013, Grade IV

Posted on: 07 October, 2020

The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth. The Moon rotates the Earth completely in 28 days. The surface of the Moon has craters, plains, mountains, and valleys. The Moon does not have its own light and it shines with the help of the Sunlight. There is no life in the Moon as there is no oxygen and water for life. The Moon is about 385000 kilometers from the Earth. The first astronaut that stepped on the Moon was Neil Armstrong on July 20, 1969, using the Apollo 11 rocket. The Moon is 4 times smaller than the Earth The moon is never still, it moves in two ways.  They are rotation and translation. Both the translation and rotation take 28 days. The moon changes its appearance according to the period which is called lunar phases and it repeats every 28 days. They are Full Moon, first quarter, new moon, and the last quarter-four phases of the Moon. We cannot see the moon during the new moon, during the full moon the whole moon faces the earth. A very easy trick to know whether the Moon is in its first or last quarter. If the Moon has a C shape it is in the last quarter and if it has a D shape it is in the first quarter.