
Student Corner


Written by: Anushka Basnet - 2023002, Grade IX

Posted on: 06 October, 2020

We know we all die one day. Death comes afterlife. Be it living beings or non-living beings like rock, sand, etc. there is always an end. Even our earth and universe will come to an end someday. It has been around 6 million years since human life came into existence but even till now, no one knows what exactly happens after death. There are many theories to it but not a single one is scientifically proven. Some believe we will turn into stars, some believe we would reincarnate and the theories go on.

Many people who have had near-death experiences share that they saw white reflection right when they were about to “die”. They claim it was peaceful and calming and would make them forget all the pains and sufferings from life. And it is almost impossible to resist it and only if one has a strong urge to live they come back. Still, there is no scientific proof of what really happens. And humans are yet to discover what really happens. 

Many religions and cultures have their own view related to the afterlife. Many suggest that one would cross a bridge after they die and then reincarnate again, some believe death is end; some give the hint that life is just stimulation and real us are discovered after death while others suggest that after death there is some kind of life and what happens after that is not known.

Personally, I think even if we die we would remain in space (it can be in whatever form). We may or may not reincarnate but we will always remain in space. Maybe there is hell and heaven, and we would be in one of those, or we would reincarnate in a completely different universe or maybe in our own earth. Or even we could land on one of more than 4D universes and continue as a supernatural being. Even we could be some animals and live again. And also we could be some wandering ghosts.

Whatever it is, I think instead of worrying about whatever will happen in the afterlife, we should live thinking about life. We do not know what would happen and maybe would never know but life is what is gifted to us and we should make the best out of it. We can guess but cannot expect what the afterlife brings to us. Everyone will die and we would know eventually what it is all about. So instead of fearing death we should live our life to the fullest and do whatever we want and have no regrets. After all, we never know if we would ever get to live again on earth as humans.