
Student Corner

What if there were no boys or girls in the world?

Written by: Kavya Sedhain - 32055, Grade V

Posted on: 02 September, 2024

According to StaticsTime.com in World Sex Ratio 2024, there is an estimated number of 4.10 billion males in the entire world. So, if I’m right, then if there weren’t any males, the population would consist only of women. According to Spartan Shield, "women now account for 50.7% of the college-educated labour force, having surpassed men as of 2023." According to a McKinsey & Company study, companies with female leaders demonstrate higher success rates in organisation and financial performance. However, if there were no men, there would be no one to provide a fatherly figure to children, which is a huge problem because, according to Quora, "not having a father figure can really affect someone. It can cause depression, self-concept issues, hatred towards themselves, isolation, substance abuse, and anxiety. There's really no way to cope when you don't have a father. It’s just kind of there, and you have to deal with it, no matter how badly it affects you." But if there were no men, the amount of pollution and crime would surprisingly decrease. In the end, I would like to say that both males and females are important. We should not live in a world thinking that "boys are better than girls" or "girls are better than boys," because all are equal and should be treated equally.