
Student Corner

My Favorite Holiday

Written by: Vani Sharma - 2031022, Grade I

Posted on: 04 October, 2020

I love holidays and especially when I get to travel outside my home. Last year we went to Belgium and France to meet my elder aunt and family. When the plane was landing our head and ear was blocked and I was scared a little bit. My parents were with me so they helped me not to be scared. We had so much fun with our cousin in Belgium. We went to the water world, parks, shopping malls, and many places. The best food in Belgium was rainbow popsicle. We also went to see the Eiffel tower in Paris but I got scared of the height and I didn't go upstairs. It was a very tall tower with iron. We ate such a big cotton candy and played a lot. We had the best holiday ever. I never wanted that holiday to end but we had to come back home. Holidays are the best part of the year as I get to spend the whole time with my parents. I also get to buy many things and eat junk food like McDonald’s happy meal. I wish we could always go on holiday. My parents have promised to take a holiday when the coronavirus is over. When a lockdown is finished I wish to go to London and visit many places like the water park, Peppa pig world, and the ice cream parlor. I wish god to help kill the coronavirus very soon.