
Student Corner

Parallel Universe: Fact Or Fiction!

Written by: Rushina Tamang - 2025014, Grade VII

Posted on: 01 October, 2020

It might not be true but, there could be unlimited versions of you. With that, what I am trying to say is suppose you are here and you are rich, there might be another version of you who might be poor, and there might be another version of you who might be a middle class in different universes. No, this is not about the past or future. All these versions of you are in the present time. You just aren’t aware of them. You might have the same face, the same family, but only your life will be a little different. For example, if you decide to color your hair here, in another realm, you might not decide to color your hair. And in another realm, you might not even think of coloring your hair. So, this is known as the existence in the parallel universe  

Surprisingly, rumor has it that there had been a case of a man who visited Japan for the fourth time. He landed on the airport and everything was going fine until the airport security checked his passport. It stated he was a citizen of Taured. But there was no country called Taured. The police checked his passport and it showed that he had visited many countries and he said that he had come to Japan for a business meeting. He said he even had booked a hotel. He even showed the currency of Taured. And he tried to point out his country on a map. But he sat confused where his country was; unable to find it! The company he was talking about never knew him. And the hotel that he had booked was also never true. He was taken to a hotel and was kept on the top floor with security so that he couldn't escape. The concerned security personnel arrived there but when they opened the door there was no sign of him. And all his belongings had also disappeared. After that, no one ever saw him again!

In my opinion, parallel universes do exist. I think the point of the parallel universe is that we exist in different realms with the possibility that all the choices we come across take its shape one way or the other. I don’t think that parallel universes are fiction. I think parallel universes exist and that could be the reason why we have different choices. 

Now, it's’ up to you to consider it a fact or a fiction.