
Student Corner


Written by: Avana Pokharel - 32004, Grade V

Posted on: 26 July, 2024

A mother is one of the most important people in our lives. She takes care of us, loves us, and helps us grow. From the moment we are born, our mothers are there to support us in every way possible.

Mothers are our first teachers. They teach us how to talk, walk, and do many other things. They help us learn good habits, like saying "please" and "thank you," and show us how to be kind to others. When we fall or make mistakes, they are there to comfort us and encourage us to try again.

Mothers also make many sacrifices for us. They work hard to make sure we have everything we need, such as food, clothes, and a safe place to live. They often put our needs before their own, making sure we are happy and healthy.

Our mothers are always there to listen to us. When we have problems or feel sad, we can talk to them, and they will understand and help us feel better. They celebrate our successes, no matter how small, and give us the confidence to keep trying our best.

In addition to all this, mothers teach us important life lessons. They show us how to be responsible, respectful, and caring. Their love and support help us become better people.

In short, our mothers play a big role in our lives. They are our caregivers, teachers, and biggest supporters. We should always appreciate and respect them for all the wonderful things they do for us.