
Student Corner

Importance of Mentality

Written by: Srishad Shiwakoti - 27026, Grade X

Posted on: 23 July, 2024

Mentality and physicality are the most important elements of the body. They play a significant role for the well being of a person. Physicality refers to the attributes and physical traits like appearance, health, fitness, strength, agility, etc. Mentality states the quality of someone's mind, thoughts and attitude. A better physicality influences a person's better physical activities and better health. But, a better and suitable mentality influences one’s behavior, interpretation of World and even physicality. If we don't have a better mentality, we will never have the will to have superior physicality. People nowadays only try to improve their physicality while some ignore both and stay on their lowest levels. They have lost the significance of mentality from their mindset. 


Many of the people nowadays are adapting negative, fixed and victim mentality. Negative mentality affects us by making us expect negative results in every action. This type of mentality stops us from many opportunities and challenges. Thinking negatively could also lead us to execute negative and non-acceptable activities. To fix our negative mind we should focus on positive aspects of life. Even meditation and exercise helps release the negativeness from our mind. Fixed mentality is the state of mind which binds us to a limit and makes us believe we should be fixed on the ability we could do. This mentality results in discouragement in ourselves and failure. We should try to get out of our comfort zone and try something new. Life is all about new experiences so, a fixed mindset just covers us from knowledge, happiness and success. Victim mentality is also equally terrible as it makes us feel defeated even if any minor incident happens. This type of mentality reduces our self confidence and motivation. This type of mentality leads us to failure and depression. 


We should adopt a very strong and stable mindset. It helps us to recover from any loss or failure. It reduces the chances of downfall due to frustration and also maintains a healthy life. So, we should maintain a positive, strong and winning mentality in life for better living. A person can be visibly changed with change of his mindset so we should always maintain a positive mindset. It makes our thinking process, action and mission easier and achievable. Mental state of mind also improves our physicality by maintaining our overall health and keeping us in shape. We all know that victims of mental diseases like depression, frustration and trauma are increasing day by day. It is all because of a weak mentality and not giving care to mental health. We all can relate that depression occurs due to losing our loved ones or other serious heartbreaking incidents and also monotonous life schedules or other traumas. But, we should try to revive from the dark phases by arousing a strong mentality. We all can see the example of it in society. We hear that people are giving up on life and losing hopes even on small problems while some are still motivated and live with a smile on their face. The difference is not the problem, the difference is mentality. 


Hence, mentality depends on a person's well being and action. If a healthy mental state meets with excellent physicality, a person is likely to be more successful and on the top. Maintaining a healthy mental state is as equally significant as maintaining our health. I would like to end the article with a quote - “Your reality is a reflection of your mentality” - Aaron Bell.