
Student Corner

Near Death Experience

Written by: Abhinav Pyakurel - 29071, Grade VIII

Posted on: 23 July, 2024

Let me take you all to the beginning of my experience. Our old school had taken us on a tour to Chitwan. There, we visited various places like museums, jungle safari, etc. Among them was the sunset spot. 

The story is about the sunset spot where we came from the hotel after the tiring jungle safari. The sun was about to set, so we went to the spot. We were enjoying the sunset when we spotted a crocodile near the shore. Then me and my friends were trying to tease the crocodile. While doing so, I accidentally slipped and fell to the shore two feet away from the crocodile. That moment made my heart skip a beat as I realized the crocodile was right in front of me. If I had moved two feet closer, I would not have been writing this article.