
Student Corner

Teachers Day

Written by: Aradhya Gopal Aryal - 33044, Grade IV

Posted on: 19 July, 2024

The day to honour teachers is called Teachers' Day, which falls on Asad Shukla Purnima. Teachers impart knowledge on moral values such as respecting elders, caring for youngsters, and helping those in need. We encounter many teachers from the time of our birth. Our mother is our first teacher, teaching us many new things. As we grow older, we receive formal education from school teachers.

There is a popular shloka called the Maha Guru Shloka, which signifies that teachers are like Lord Brahma, initiating knowledge in students' minds. They are also termed as Lord Vishnu who preserve and solidify knowledge through repetition. Furthermore, they are compared to Lord Maheshwara as they destroy darkness or ignorance and replace it with the light of knowledge.

Teachers' Day originated as a day to offer salutations and gratitude to Maharshi Vyas. Let’s all give special respect and obedience to teachers. The knowledge we gain from different teachers is the most valuable wealth throughout our lives. Material wealth like money and jewels decreases when shared, but knowledge is the only wealth that increases upon sharing. People with knowledge are highly respected in society.

Teachers, being the sources of knowledge, hold a special position in society.