
Student Corner

Incomplete Love

Written by: Niva Shrestha - 30017, Grade VII

Posted on: 18 July, 2024

Seeing you after so long feels like decades,

Unspoken tales lie beneath the smile cascade.

I long to feel you as I once did,

To be with you always, resting my feet.

Times have changed, as have our lives,

Yet you'll remain my eternal 11:11 wish.


Parting from you was my deepest regret,

Never thought that it could hurt us so much, I must confess. 

Wish you could tell me to come back once,

Leaving this world to be with you forever at every chance.


Following your steps, I'm trying to escape delusion,

My silly heart doesn’t want that to be true.

Feels like you still love me the way you did,

With every eye contact shivers me in.


I wished to be friends, to stay close to you,

But as said, past lovers can never be friends.

I still miss you like I did when we were apart,

Everything was perfect until this chaos emerged.


Maybe in parallel universe we are together,

You with me holding my hands forever.