
Student Corner

Be Grateful

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 29 September, 2020

Each human being is different; be it based on education, caste, class, etc. Not everyone has the courage, to tell the truth, has the determination to do something, the willingness to face the truth, the ability to face the consequences, the mindset of facing failure to reach success, and so on. Not everyone like me is getting a quality education, has a good, loving and caring family, good health condition, a proper home, loving friends and siblings, and a safe and playful environment.

Not everything we have is the same as the others. In our community, a person is judged by their financial status whether they are rich or poor which is a very cruel judgement for the people. Not everyone has access to the same facilities. People are forgetting about gratitude and their attitude towards others. If you’re poor, people will have something to say about you and even if you’re rich people will have something to say either way. No one has the right to judge anyone and criticize just because they are poor and aren’t up to the status”. We still feel unsatisfied even when we have a lot of things. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you never feel enough. If you are thankful for what you have and be grateful you end up getting more. We should be satisfied and be grateful for the things we have till now, shouldn’t we? Being grateful for everything you have is also a virtue of human life. Be grateful for what you have because somewhere out there, someone is working and praying for the life you are living right now and the things you have. Don’t criticize someone based on their status. There is a saying that ‘Don’t lose your love in order to get other’s love, those who love you are always right there and love you’. Likewise, in this context, don’t go for the things you can’t afford but be grateful for the things you have. Someone out there is starving to get the things that you have. So, treasure your things because you never know the feeling of starvation. You would also never know the feeling of being criticized, discriminated, hated, and unequally treated. You never know the feelings of others till you ask them, right? Likewise, you will never know the feelings and thoughts of the people who are starving and working for the life you have.

We should treat everyone equally.We live our lives differently. There is no permission given to us to criticize anyone and unequally treat anyone. Everybody should be kind to each other. You never know the value and the importance of working and starving and praying until you get in the situation of poverty. So, not everything we have is the same with others. Be grateful,blessed and keep a positive attitude towards everyone and the things you have because someone is there hoping and praying to God to live a life like ours.

None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy.” —Fred De Witt Van Amburgh