
Student Corner

Bing Versus Google

Written by: Kavya Sedhain - 32055, Grade V

Posted on: 16 July, 2024

"Is Bing better than Google?" First, we need to understand whether Bing is comparable to Google. Bing was created on June 3rd, 2009, by Microsoft Corporation. On the other hand, Google was founded on September 4th, 1998, by Lawrence Edward Page with the support of Sergey Brin. Currently, Bing has 1.1 billion users, whereas Google boasts more than 4.9 billion users worldwide. However, I believe that the quality of a product matters more than its popularity.

Now, let's examine Bing. When using Bing for searches, the search page often features a different background picture. In contrast, Google maintains a simple white search page, claiming it keeps things clean and efficient for users. Ultimately, the decision of whether Google or Bing is better comes down to personal preference. 

In my opinion, Google comes out on top. I see Bing as somewhat of a copycat of Google, albeit slightly more effective for users.