
Student Corner

Immortality Is A Curse

Written by: Shreevaani Dhungel - 29044, Grade VIII

Posted on: 15 July, 2024

In my opinion, this is a curse. This may sound like something awesome to other people, but it would be a curse for me. It's not all unicorns and rainbows everywhere anyways. There’s a lot more to it. Maybe, it would be great staying forever with your loved ones, but we also get bored right? For example, if a book is boring, we may leave it halfway, so there is no point in always staying with your loved ones. And we don’t know what will happen in the future, maybe your loved ones will stab you in the back? Who knows?

Also, if no one dies, it would be a whole lot crowded, right? The malls, the houses etc. So, the more the urbanization, the more the pollution. We’re already polluting the Earth so much that there is climate change occurring at the moment. Imagine what more effects can be seen by us being immortal? It will eventually lead us to death because the earth will be destroyed in a few million years.

We know how there are heirs to continue the family business. Well, the more the people the more the competitors to be the heir, and this entire world will just fight for a title. What if the current head person never dies, their children would never get the chance to see how it feels to become the head of their family.

Also, what about improving society? If the old generation and the new generations are together then the older generations will tell the new ones about all the social evils that exist in our society and the new ones will maybe do the same, then the society won’t get to evolve at all. It will stay the same.

With society not evolving, the environment will also not change. Since the new ideas often come from the younger generation, we all will be stuck doing things the same old way with nothing new if the older generation is always there.

Imagine being in line to get the new iPhone for two days. It would feel like a great achievement, right? But if the old workers of Apple are still there, wouldn’t the iPhone look and feel the same? Noone would want to lose a job, so the old workers may still be there giving out the same iPhones. Also, even if a new and better model is made, wouldn’t it be out of stock in less than 24 hours? It's already hard to get a new iPhone model. Imagine more people are there, faster than you trying to get the new model, wouldn’t that be tiring?

Another thing is the emotional side of living forever. Right now, knowing that life has an end makes us treasure our time and our friends. But if we knew we'd live forever, would we still care as much? Life might start feeling meaningless without that ticking clock.

Will we all stay with our loved ones forever? I mean we would be bored of it. Something too much or too less will always be negative.

Imagine finally graduating and becoming a doctor. Every 100 years, there is a global pandemic. Meaning, as a doctor you will have to save yourself and others almost every 100 years. If we had a timespan, we would achieve a whole lot. We won’t work hard if we all are immortal, but if there is a time span, you work faster and harder to make others write a biography of you.

There are not a lot of employed people all over the world because the seats are filled when they try to get a job. If everyone is immortal, wouldn’t there be even more unemployed people in the world? What would they do for infinite years? Just sit there and do nothing?

Additionally, whenever you play a game and there are tons of people playing the same game you are, wouldn't the game crash? Yes, it would. So, if there are more people it would certainly mean more people are interested in games. I mean, who isn’t? Well, the game would crash while you are playing and that would just make you mad.

Looking at it, everyone living forever would definitely be a curse. As it would also cause the Earth to destroy in a few million years and no one would actually live. Hence, whoever may find a formula to make everyone immortal, their hard work is a waste of time.