
Student Corner

Lost in the Abyss

Written by: Nitesh Singh Bista - 25013, Grade XII

Posted on: 09 July, 2024

There's nothing to find and nowhere to escape 

Not even a glimpse of light.

Every day is a struggle in this dark and unfamiliar place.

I'm still bewildered,

Questioning how I ended up here,

From my bed into this mysterious darkness.


It has been two days

Since I got lost in this dimly lit room,

Where darkness surrounds me entirely.

The silence is so profound

That I only hear my own footsteps.

I am as mysterious to this place as it is to me.


It's been two days since I last ate,

And I'm extremely hungry.

My throat craves water,

But nothing comes my way.


I want to question God,

Wondering what sin led me to this dark place 

Did I lose myself from my bed, or is it just a dream?

The more I walk, the farther I seem to go.

Every mysterious event is unfolding before me;

My eyes are blind to the darkness,

My throat is as dry as a river,

And my body is as dark as the sun.


Maybe I'll find myself dead in this place,

Witnessed only by my departing soul.

What could be scarier than this?

Will I be able to escape from this mysterious place?

Will I make it?