
Student Corner

The Contrast of Apologies Between Australia and China

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade IX

Posted on: 28 June, 2024

In simple words, an apology is an expression of regret. It is a quite common thing all over the world as it is considered to be a universal practice. People apologize to others when they do something wrong, when they are wrong or for someone’s loss. Though apologizing seems normal all over the world, the customs and practices of apologizing vary between several countries, specifically in the East and the West Area.


Let’s take an example of two countries, China, an east asian country, and Australia, a Western country. China has a lot of variations while apologizing while Australia does not. China’s way of apologizing includes the gestures of bowing, with open palms and lowered posture with a low bow, offering tea/gifts or joining hands together. Other than that, the other gestures are considered to be quite rude and disrespectful to the Chinese people. Unlike China, Australia’s way of apologizing can be described as more of a “chill” and “relaxed” apology than China’s way of apologizing. It includes handshakes and maintaining eye contact with one another. Though this might not be the best way, giving a pat on the back or a hug can also be referred to as apologizing in the context of Australia. The Chinese apology is considered one of the most formal apologies ever. Even though mistakes have been made in some sort of small arguments, a formal apology is always given mostly privately as Chinese people prefer apologizing in a private context and also to avoid public embarrassment. Opposing the Chinese apology, the apology of Australia is direct and is done informally, even in most of the professional fields. The Aussie apology is not specific whether they do it in a private or a public way as people apologize privately or publicly depending on their preferences (if they want to do it or not ) and the situation itself. Additionally, Aussies are considered to be apologizing for more daily context. Many say Chinese people do not apologize. However, the apologies given in China are mostly indirect like giving gifts, hugging each other etc. So, to say, Chinese people do apologize frequently. 


The Chinese Apology was influenced by Confucianism which is a system of behaviour that teaches people to live a peaceful life while the Aussie apology was influenced by the values of equality. Generally, Chinese Apology includes different traditional methods or virtues like completely kneeling in front of the person you are apologizing to, especially in serious cases. Unlike that, the Aussie apology does not have a certain traditional way of apologizing. 


The way of apologizing differs throughout the world like between countries like China and Australia. However, regardless of the differences in the method of apologizing, it should not be a huge contrast to the countries as apologizing comes down to acknowledging and expressing regret for one’s wrongdoings.