
Student Corner

Stress and Mental Health

Written by: Anushka Kalu - 27025, Grade X

Posted on: 27 June, 2024

Mental health is our emotional and psychological well being. Stress is like our body’s alarm system which signals us when something is tough. Mental health and stress are two things that are interrelated to each other. A person’s mental health can be affected because of stress. If stress is not managed in the right way then a person’s mental health can be ruined. There is an interrelation between stress and mental health. When we are not feeling mentally well, tension or stress seems to be greater and when we are stressed out or tensed our mental health problems seem to grow more. 


Stress management is when you find something or do something that relieves your stress or helps you deal with it and make you feel better. If stress is hampering our body more than we should do something to manage our stress. We can manage our stress in many ways. Everyone has their own way of dealing or managing their stress. Some people might manage it by going on walks, meditation, taking a shower, spending quality time with friends and family, seeking help from a psychiatrist, talking to someone you trust about what is stressing you out. Only making our physical appearance is not enough but we also need to take care of our mental health. People are often scared to open up about their problems or situation because of the judgemental society but even if they don’t open up to others they can open up to a trusted psychiatrist. A psychiatrist can help you with stress management in many ways like medication management, therapy and counseling, and supporting. We can also help the people struggling with mental health problems by listening to them without judging, being supportive, promoting awareness and education about it. The one and only motive of stress management is to remove the negative effects of stress on a person’s body and mind and help live their life happily. Stress management is different for each individual so a person should determine or find what works the best for them or what will help them with their mental health issues. When a person is stressed and has a hard time focusing and is really stressed out they should try taking a break, taking a break is just as necessary as any other ways to manage stress. Not only taking a break but a person should know how to calm themselves when they’re stressed because when a person is stressed they tend to panic and make wrong decisions or they can’t decide. So to prevent it they must stay calm and focus.


I highly recommend to people who are struggling with their mental health to open up about their situation or seek any kind of help they need. Mental health can affect a person’s physical health as well. The more you hide it the harder it gets for you so, I would suggest the one struggling not to hide it and open up to someone who they feel safe and comfortable with.