
Student Corner

The World of Fantasy

Written by: Prathana Kshetri - 29021, Grade VIII

Posted on: 27 June, 2024

Imagine sitting by yourself in your lonely bed and wanting to go to the other worlds. What if we could go from books to books or from screens to screens? This is a story of a young girl named Spring. A girl really glued towards novels and fantasy hoping that one day she will make her dream to go from pages to pages come true. While she loved these things, her mother didn't like them. She was mad at Spring for spending too much time on her gadgets. Spring’s studies were not that bad; she was an average student who was only failing in one subject. One sudden day her mother was so mad at her she sold all her gadgets. Spring was shocked which led to a big conflict among them. With a huge burden, Spring took her earned money and left the house. She went over to her friend's place and told her everything. Her friend, Winter allowed her to stay in her house and hence Spring promised Winter to pay rent every month. Winter’s parents had known Spring for a long time, so they told her to not worry about any expenses; rent or the school fees, they will make sure to pay for it. That day, she promised herself that she will make sure to turn her dream into reality: the dream about her life being just like the pages she imagined herself in. 

Spring was as frank as she ever used to be, but not sure why things didn't fascinate her. Soon she started to talk only with Winter, Day and Hae-eun. They all were from different places such as: Hae-eun was from South Korea, Day was from Philippines while Spring and Winter were from Germany. The next day, Winter, Day, Spring and Hae-eun were missing. Many people looked for them while others thought they were all dead. Meanwhile, all four of them woke up in a place full of black holes. It was a completely unknown place. It was fun at the beginning for them, but after some hours, they realized that they can't go back home. They tried many ways but they were stuck. Due to this, they all fell into the pages of different stories of the novel, and no one knows what happened to them till now.