
Student Corner

Does Nature Affect Our Mental Health?

Written by: Aayotrie Chaudhary - 27019, Grade X

Posted on: 25 June, 2024

Our mental health is dependent on many things and it can differ from individual to individual, that being said, could nature really be able to help our mental health overall? If so, then how exactly would nature be helpful in these instances? Let’s discuss.


There have been various studies based on this prospect of nature being able to soothe or heal our mental well being. Many state how being deprived of natural settings have a negative impact on a person’s mental health. This mainly be applicable for those living in cities or more urban areas. This is likely due to the stimulation being around greenery provides. The natural areas all have some sort of biodiversity which can be stimulating for the human mind, along with the peace nature is often tied with. Simply the calmer and “more soothing” sounds that contrast with loud city noise can also produce a sense of peace which is overall beneficial for the state of mental well being.


Additionally, there have also been diagnosed disorders that relate towards a person's natural surroundings. One being Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is a type of depression that can occur due to the change of environment. Primarily this disorder happens during the seasons of autumn or winter when the natural environment can be seen as more bare, yet there are also cases of this happening in other seasons as well, though, regardless, not very often. 


Research also shows that environments can increase or reduce our stress which, in turn can affect our mental health. Seeing, hearing, and experiences which occur at any moment can impact not only a person’s current mood, but also how your nervous system and immune systems are working. A noisy environment can cause you to feel anxious, or sad, or helpless. This plays a big part in determining the health of a person’s mental well being. 


If a person receives exposure to nature it can help release Endorphins and inconspicuously stimulate the production of serotonin, a hormone said to be capable of combating the symptoms associated with depression.  These productions are also directly linked to the amount of sunlight exposure a person receives and their vitamin D intake. 


Nature also has socially related benefits regarding a person’s mental health. People living in or near natural areas often tend to spend more time socializing outdoors, this, in return, can also stimulate hormones which help in producing happiness.


Creating a healthy relationship with natural environments can be beneficial in both ways. As natural environments and bring peace and create a base of socialization which also helps the mental well being of people, by creating a fondness for nature, people are also more often likely to go out of there way in helping the environment even with small, basic, tasks like picking up litter or creating policies in order to preserve peace for not only themselves, but also for others around them, for the animals around them, and for the plants around them, by preserving these natural habitats we can create a cleaner and better more peaceful future for everyone involved.