
Student Corner


Written by: Aarya Regmi - 33052, Grade IV

Posted on: 25 June, 2024

The state of being clean and free from germs, dirt and waste is called cleanliness. We should clean our environment and our surroundings. If we are clean we become healthy, wealthy and wise. By throwing the garbage in the proper place, our house looks neat and clean. We can clean our  environment by not spitting here and there, not throwing garbage, planting trees and conserving different animals. 

There are different types of pollution that are affecting our environment. Our air is polluted due to different harmful gases and smoke, our rivers are polluted by disposing waste in them, our land is polluted due to deforestation and our health is affected because of these reasons. If we focus on cleanliness, our surroundings will be clean and it will help us to develop our nation. 

In conclusion, maintaining cleanliness is very important. We should not just focus on cleaning ourselves but should also focus on the cleanliness of the environment. This will make the world a better place to live.