
Student Corner

How Have Us Humans Changed Over the Years?

Written by: Prasiddha Shrestha - 28008, Grade IX

Posted on: 21 June, 2024

Over the past few centuries us humans have undergone a tremendous transformation. Across cultural, technological, social and ethical grounds. With these  tremendous transformations we have also made various achievements in different sectors. With the remarkable achievements there are also great changes that came with it. Whether it would be the change in behavior or the change in the information in textbooks or maybe the changes in the life or ordinary people. People nowadays talk about how the Covid pandemic has changed our lives. Covid pandemic has made unprecedented impacts on human civilization but at the same time it has also made us realize how we have evolved over the past centuries. Other than the Covid pandemic there have been many other instances where our human civilization has to endure changes and adapt to our environment.


Firstly talking about cultural changes, there have been various points in history where our cultural structures have changed. Whether it would be the two World Wars or the great depression. It has heavily forced changes in our society. These events have shaped our human civilization and increased globalization along with the development and communication.  In the 19th century we had the Spanish Flu and in the 21th century we had the Covid pandemic. During the Spanish Flu of any viral outbreak in the19th century there were no modern technological devices and this is a major factor. During the Covid 19 pandemic there was a significant growth in the usage of social media. Even after the pandemic social media has been the same. Using social media people found new ways to communicate or express themselves online.


Talking about technological changes or advancements, this topic needs no introduction. This is a very well known topic. We all know the differences between the technological advancements in or prior to the 19th century and the 21th century. Back then humans had managed to land on the moon, improve industrialization and also made various inventions but new people have developed other things like the internet, smartphones or accessibility to information etc. Technological advancements have revolutionized our lives making it easier and simpler./ At one time we had to visit a library to get extra information but now we can just get any information we want at the click of a button. It is that easy and this is just one example we can find many other examples like this in history. 


Social and ethical changes are also taking shape. Matter of fact there are still various social changes happening around us. Social and ethical changes are the only processes that will keep evolving with us humans. It existed during the beginning of the human race and it will end with the destruction of the human race. In the past people lived in a society where there were only 2 genders but now that has changed and people believed that they can openly change their gender, pronunciation and identification. This is a change brought with the development of socialism. This is the effect of rapid globalization But it is not a wrong thing. People have their own beliefs and our society just accepts it.


In conclusion, humans are animals. We are never in the same state. We might be happy or sad to a certain extent but the same level of happiness, sadness or any other emotion can never be felt again. We can never be the same and our lives and also in the state of changing. Whether it would be biologically, socially, ethically, technologically or culturally.