
Student Corner

The Importance Of Sleep

Written by: Aslesha Baidhya - 32037, Grade V

Posted on: 10 June, 2024

A good sleep plays an important role in making us healthy. Most people think that food is more important, since it is necessary for our mental and physical growth. But, most people don't know that sleep is equally important for our mental growth. It is important because an average person can go up to 40 days without food before starving to death, but the most a person has ever gone without sleep is only 11 days. It is extremely important for any kind of recovery, but we tend to neglect it very often. 

For example, my English teacher, Kallol sir, spent 4 days without sleep and came to class very tired with puffy eyes. He shared with us that he felt very tired due to lack of sleep.

 Sleep is very important for the proper function of our body. Seven to ten hours of sleep is necessary for a healthy adult, teenager, child, etc. Six hours or less of sleep is not recommended, since it can cause health related problems such as heart failure and diabetes. 

Sleep is also very important because it can improve our brain performance, mood, mental health, etc. If not, we have a higher chance of getting mentally disturbed. 

Students like me need good sleep to improve concentration, stay focused, and improve academics. So, we should not stay awake until late at night watching TV or playing online games. We should finish our assignments on time and go to bed.