
Student Corner


Written by: Shuban Pradhan - 2023011, Grade IX

Posted on: 24 September, 2020

A deadline is a limit to complete work in a particular time and place when a certain assignment or work has been given. The work must be submitted before the time limit of submission, or the work won’t be accepted for a particular issue. The importance of having a deadline for an assignment, the deadline will help you remember the time and date the assignment has to be completed in, it helps you to concentrate and focus on your work and helps you to learn time management, and because of the fear for the consequence of not submitting the work on time will pressurize everyone to meet the deadline on time. Why does a deadline matter to us? The deadline matters the most because it ensures that the work will be completed at a specific time. Deadlines make clear what we're expected to deliver and when. 

There are two main areas to focus on when you have a deadline for an assignment, managing the deadline, and managing yourself. When managing the deadline you must think about your capacity to complete work on the given amount of time, if you can’t ask for a bit of extra time to complete. And when managing yourself, make a plan on how and what you are going to do in your assignment, but no matter how the plan is it is still a plan, once a plan is made put it into action. Make use of your time, tracking your time will help you work efficiently and effectively.