
Student Corner

Global warming

Written by: Aradhya Gopal Aryal - 33044, Grade IV

Posted on: 03 June, 2024

 Global warming is a term to describe the rising temperature of the Earth. There are many causes of Global warming. The largest cause of global warming is Greenhouse gas. Gases such as Water vapour, Carbon dioxide, Methane and other nitrous oxides are called Greenhouse gas. Those gases rise up in the air and trap the heat in the atmosphere. Deforestation is also a big cause of global warming. It is the process of cutting down the trees for settlement areas and to make different things like furniture, paper, stationery, etc.

Even the population growth that happened in the last 100 years had cut down large numbers of trees to make land for agriculture and residence. Forest helps to absorb greenhouse gas in the process of photosynthesis. Due to Greenhouse gas and deforestation, ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctica are melting. The melted water from ice caps goes into the sea and ocean. This process raises sea level.

The most impacted countries by global warming are Maldives, Netherlands, Iran, Indonesia etc.

These cities are sinking due to rising sea level. And due to the sudden climate change, Iran will

need further cooling techniques in the future because it is said that by the 23rd century Iran’s temperature will be very high and that will not be suitable for any humans to live. Also, the weather pattern in the world has changed so much that in some places there is flooding while others have no rain.

Many people don’t believe in global warming even though humans are the cause and are the one responsible for it. One of those people is Donald Trump. He thinks global warming is happening naturally AND HUMANS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GLOBAL WARMING.

There are lots of ways to reduce Global warming. Instead of using cars for a short distance

people can walk. It will also make them fit. The dirty gasoline fuel can be replaced by hydrogen

and electric energy. The big factories which are the biggest contributors to the greenhouse can

use renewable energy like hydro power, solar energy, nuclear energy, wind energy etc. Also,

more trees are required to be planted.


When we become a leader or a professional person in the future, we should always keep

our planet Earth in mind from an environmental perspective. Earth is our home. We can only

survive happily if we have better air to breathe and a clean environment to live in.