
Student Corner


Written by: Reva Dangol - 28019, Grade IX

Posted on: 31 May, 2024

Oh, moon how you wax and wane,
A celestial body that we can't contain.
Your phases a cycle of light and dark,
A symbol of change in a celestial mark.

You rise in the east a glowing orb,
A beacon of hope, a guiding force.
Your gentle light a calming grace,
A reminder of the beauty in this place.

In the night sky you reign supreme,
A solitary figure, a celestial dream.
A companion to the stars above,
A constant reminder of the power of love.

Oh, moon, how you capture our hearts,
A muse to poets, a work of art.
Your beauty is a wonder to behold,
A timeless treasure, a story untold.

As you shine down on us we feel your glow,
A presence that we can't help but know.
Oh, moon, how you light up the night,
A celestial wonder a source of delight.