
Student Corner


Written by: Sayuri Shrestha - 28017, Grade IX

Posted on: 29 May, 2024

“I don't think I have ever felt like this before,” Symone thinks to herself while sitting in the cold corner of the hospital. 12 hours ago she had received a call from her aunt. Her aunt was not feeling well and had trouble breathing. Hearing this Symone rushed to her aunt's place and found her lying weak in the bed. Symone then rushed her to the hospital with the help of some neighbours. Symone later discovered that her aunt had a stomach bug after taking her aunt to the hospital. The doctors suggested she stay the night at the hospital for a faster recovery. Family members were not allowed to stay back for the patient unless it was a severe problem so after making sure her aunt was comfortable that night, Symone went back home. 

The next day around 5 in the morning, Symone received a call from the hospital. Her aunt's condition had worsened since the night before so they asked her to come immediately. When Symone reached the hospital they had already moved her aunt to the ICU. This made Symone more nervous. Her aunt was already 90 years old and it would be difficult for her to recover quickly. Symone waited outside the room restlessly. 

2 hours later the doctor informed Symone that her aunt had unfortunately passed away. Symone couldn't process this news. She never imagined someone who had been with her her whole life to leave suddenly. At the moment all she could do was cry. Later, she called her mom and informed all her close relatives. Soon some of her relatives came to the hospital and they later took their aunt to the cremation center. At the center everyone who had received the news was present. They all said their last goodbyes and mourned her. One by one everyone left the room shedding tears. At that moment many thoughts were running through Symone's mind. 

Symone had spent her whole life with her aunt. Growing up Symone was loved by everyone. She was a smart, caring and responsible girl. She worked hard for her dreams and never gave up. One of her biggest inspirations and supporters was her aunt. Her aunt used to teach in an all-girls school. She had been in the teaching field for almost 30 years. She had travelled the world and met so many different people. Her aunt was intelligent, strong and independent. She was a person with a creative and optimistic mind. Symone had always looked up to her aunt as an idol. She helped Symone grow up into an intellectual person. Her aunt had the biggest impact on her life.

After coming out of the cremation centre, all her relatives were catching up with each other, drinking tea and laughing. Symone found that very strange. The environment was different from what she imagined, it was almost like the loss of her aunt didn't matter to many people and she wondered why. That day was the longest day for her, it felt like it would never end. Symone then went home and thought about all the time she spent with her aunt, how much she loved her and how she regretted not being able to spend more time with her. She regrets not giving her aunt a proper goodbye. She thinks about all the small mistakes she made and how she wishes that she could go back in time and fix all of them. She cries uncontrollably until her mom calms her down. Her mother then goes on to tell her that nothing in the world is permanent. “No matter how much someone means to you, in the end, we all have to say goodbye to each other. What matters is that they remain in our hearts forever.” her mother says while comforting her.