
Student Corner

My Grandfather

Written by: Swopnil Amir Kansakar - 33046, Grade IV

Posted on: 24 May, 2024

My grandfather’s name is Lekh Ratna Shakya. He is 76 years old. My grandfather loved going to school. He used to go to school on foot. Walking to school took a long time as it was far away from home. He would feel so tired when he reached school. 

In school, they had old desks and benches. My grandfather didn’t have many books and notebooks. He and his friends carried a long wooden board called “Gonna” and a white chalkboard called "Khari." The teacher used to ask the students to clean the wooden board. If the students didn’t do their homework, the teacher used to punish them and slap them as well. He enjoyed his school in the tough situation, too. Now he tells us that “studying is a good way to understand more in life. To succeed, you have to learn, learn, and learn a lot of things." His hard work at that time made him a good technical person in electrical engineering and a good teacher.