
Student Corner

How Does History Repeat Itself?

Written by: Prasiddha Shrestha - 28008, Grade IX

Posted on: 23 May, 2024

We all view history as the study of past events but in reality history is the documentation of human life on earth. History is often divided into multiple parts or sections in which our human civilization has gone through different circumstances according to their location. But even in the difference in circumstances, there often seem to be similar patterns that follow. This is the reason history seems to repeat itself. No matter whatever changes we bring, the same problem will arise once again in the future. Throughout the existence of human civilization we have made various mistakes. These mistakes will be read in books for the rest of eternity. 


Throughout the existence of our civilization the most repeated events are wars. The urge of dominance and power has led to the downfall of multiple nations and empires. A king or an emperor always has an urge to expand their nation and gain dominance. Every leader is always in the search for superiority. Whether it's in territory or a specific sector. If the decisions of the leader are not appreciated by the public they will cause a social movement. Social movements also show the repeating nature of history whether it's from labor movements or civil rights movements etc. Each generation has its own problems and its own solutions but people often take notes from past strikes.But in most of the strikes whether from the past or in the present there is always a clash between tradition and progress.


Despite the great achievements in our civilization, human nature has not changed. People still have the same desires, fear and the same greed and ambition for power and dominance. These qualities influence our behavior and create recurring patterns. Even though there are no changes in the qualities of our human nature. There is a huge difference in our perception of our past. Our past has created the present but we as a society have failed to learn from our previous mistakes. This is a result of our ignorance towards the past. Our past is meant to serve as a path which leads us to  the future. Our mistakes are meant to guide us towards the right path. Without putting historically important events into consideration we will make the same mistakes as our predecessors. 


History is very complex. There is no certainty that we can predict the future using our past. But there is also no certainty that we can’t. Some events repeat with time due to our ignorance of our past. If we completely ignore something then it will cause massive issues in the future. 


In conclusion, we can say that history is repeated by our ignorance toward the past or our arrogance for the past. It is the result of us not paying attention to our problems. Our human nature is also the one to be blamed. We try to achieve something greater than when we have. We often tend to search for diamonds when we already have gold. We as humans are never happy or satisfied to the full extent. We alway have the hope of achieving something better. To end the repetitive nature of history we have to change. History is a guild and will not change. We are the ones to adapt to our history and we are the ones to change it at the same time.