
Student Corner

Impact of Advertisement of Mental Health Through Movies

Written by: Suphiyana Ghimire - 27016, Grade X

Posted on: 22 May, 2024

The concept of mental health has been prevailing throughout history but it was never really familiarized to society in the past, as any issues regarding mental health problems were often just chalked up to superstitions of ghosts, witches, and black magic depending on the mythologies of the country. The cure to these sorts of diseases was most often exorcism where the patient was beaten to death with a broom of some sort, lobotomy where using a metal rod a hole was made in the frontal lobe of the patient, and some sort of physical torture that made the patient overall unresponsive to any sort of interaction. Death was such a common occurrence while performing such cures on the patient to the point that people just assumed that mentally ill people who came from hell were sent back to hell. This was a truly disturbing period of time throughout the history of human civilization.


Today in modern society we are finally able to identify a long list of mental diseases ranging from slightly concerning to serious concern raising. People are becoming more accepting of mental health. This means they understand that mental health is just as important as physical health. People are starting to realize that it's okay to talk about feelings and struggles. They're learning that mental health problems are common and nothing to be ashamed of. More and more, society is offering support and resources for those who need help. This acceptance is making it easier for people to seek help when they're not feeling well mentally. It's like opening up a door for everyone to feel okay about taking care of their minds, just like they do for their bodies.The a 


Movies about mental health can teach us a lot and help us understand it better. When these movies are advertised and shown to society, they can make a big impact. People watch movies to be entertained, but they also learn from them. When movies talk about mental health, they can raise awareness and reduce stigma. For example, a movie might show a character struggling with depression. When people see this, they might understand better what depression is like. This can make them more compassionate towards others who are going through similar struggles.


When mental health movies are advertised, they start conversations. Families might talk about what they saw in the movie. Friends might discuss how they feel about mental health. These conversations can break down barriers and make people feel less alone. It's important for everyone to know that it's okay to talk about mental health. Movies can also show that help is available. They might feature characters getting therapy or reaching out to support groups. This can encourage people who are struggling to seek help for themselves. In this way, movies about mental health can have a positive impact on society by educating, raising awareness, and encouraging discussion and support.Mental health is truly important.