
Student Corner

The Accident

Written by: Irada Timsina - 30053, Grade VII

Posted on: 21 May, 2024

So, the story started when my mother was trying to learn how to ride a scooter. I was really young back then, like 6 years old. My father had recently bought a car back then, and we had a scooter at our home, too. Since the arrival of the car, the scooter had not been in use. It was just left alone in our house. Wherever we wanted to go, we took our car. My father noticed that, and asked my mother to learn to ride a scooter because back then my mother was just a housewife, unlike now. Since my father always took the car to his office and whenever there was an emergency at our house, we would always have to call a taxi. So, my mother agreed. She could balance the scooter since she could ride a bicycle, but she didn't know how to hit the brakes properly and how to turn on the lights at night. The road near my house was a nice one, therefore she practiced there with my father. My father had told both me and my big brother not to stay out on the road because my mother got scared whenever we were out. My brother obeyed our father and stayed inside the house, but I don't know what got into me. I didn't obey him at all. I walked out of the house, went to the road and got hit by a vehicle. Guess what, the vehicle was the one that was at my house. The one that was lonely. The one my mother was practicing with. I still remember that the scooter ran over me. I was rushed to the hospital. I had gotten into an accident. But I think that God saved me because the accident was really bad and horrifying. I think it was the grace of God that had brought me back, because I had some serious injuries and the one on my leg was really bad. I still have the scar on my right leg. The doctor had also said that my leg should have been gone, but somehow it survived. I was relieved to hear that because I didn't want to live my life without a leg. My leg survived but I had to stay at the hospital for 3 days and my right leg was in a cast. The time was really bad but it recovered and I'm fine now. Now, my mother also knows how to ride a scooter, but she has a life-long trauma because of my disobedience.