
Student Corner

Mischievous Diary: The Book and The Shook

Written by: Eshita Lal - 28015, Grade IX

Posted on: 17 May, 2024

Have you ever read the series, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”? I have. I don’t know what the author was thinking while writing this book but he sure is keeping all of us on the hook. The book is cool. It has kept me in a situation where I have completed all books released till now. It’s cool and all but the boy in that book is testing my patience. 


Rowley whom he calls best friend is nothing but just a piece of tool to use and throw for him. But Rowley is too innocent for me to not try to become a titan and crush Greg (the main character). Well nonetheless, it’s a pretty decent diary about his experience and I have nothing to say about his life, because trouble follows him like a tail. 


Well well, I suggest we leave this wimpy kid to his own and move on right now. However, I have to say that Greg had quite an unforgettable life. I sometimes wonder if I have something unforgettable in my life. To be thinking, many things are unforgettable, though most of them are something I would like to forget. 


Like come on, who likes to remember the time they squished a cockroach by their feet without even knowing… But hey it was not like I wanted to, I didn’t even realise I had stepped on a cockroach until I turned the lights on. I was just going to my room to get some stuff when I realised I had stepped on something gooey. When I turned the light on, I felt my life flash back before my eyes before dashing to the bathroom to purify myself. 


I swear whoever thought of dropping off these cockroaches onto this earth is pure evil. I get it that they serve a role in the ecosystem, but really.. They could’ve dropped off any other insect rather than this. 


Now then.. I do not wish to further elaborate on this cockroach situation but you see now that I think more about it, I am now thinking, just what kind of “positive” unforgettable event has passed till now for me… 


I mean, there has been a lot happening in my tiny life till now. But I don’t know what to put here.


However, every day, something special happens. But if I try to dig up my memory I can date back to when I was in kindergarten. Ah yes, that day was one of the most memorable days when I think about it now, but it was painful at the time. 


So, gathering it all from the first. I had two close friends, let's call them umm... Eggroll and Burger. For now, that is. Now, I was obsessed with cartoons such as Ninja Hattori, Power Ranger and ninja stuff at that time, so I would go around forming a group with Egg Roll and Burger and act as if I were teaching them some forbidden ninja technique and they would act as I would say although I had to bargain with chocolates for them to do such. 


So, unlike any other day, we three were playing in the playground while I was “teaching” them ninja tricks when my brain got this great idea of teaching them how to climb the tree. I don’t exactly remember what they said or acted but I do remember myself trying to climb the tree behind me. I don’t remember what kind of tree it was but it was tall, a bit bent down and didn’t have many leaves/dry. 


Just as I climbed like what? After 3 steps I slipped. The next thing I remember, teachers checked my back skin which was completely cut when I fell and I was dragged by the tree’s drg trunk. I wasn’t crying… definitely… Ok fine I was. But don’t worry it didn’t keep me from pulling stunts. 


But let me tell you something, I do not regret anything because it was fun.