
Student Corner

My New School

Written by: Avilasha Manandhar - 32054, Grade V

Posted on: 15 May, 2024

I've been in the same school since I started first grade. I stayed there for four years and didn't make many new friends. My old friends were with me all that time. But one day, my mom said we were going somewhere new. We got ready quickly and found out we were changing schools. I was excited, and so was my brother. We took a test to get into the new school, which wasn't as hard as I thought. But they wanted to see my last test scores too. I worked really hard and got good grades. Now, I go to DeerWalk Sifal School.

The day arrived when it was going to be the first day. My brother was excited, but I was a little nervous. I met lots of new friends and other students. Everything was different and new because I'd been in the same school for four years. I made new friends and thought I'll have more chances to show what I can do here. At the end of the day, my brother and I were happy we came here. I plan to stay here until I finish grade twelve. I promise myself I'll work hard to be successful. When people ask me which school I go to, I'll proudly say, 'DeerWalk Sifal School’.