
Student Corner

Paranormal Help

Written by: Reshu Rani Singh - 29023, Grade VIII

Posted on: 14 May, 2024

Once upon a time, a girl was alone in her house. Her parents had gone out. “Mia, we’re back”, said John. Lisa went around the house calling Mia. Lisa told John that Mia was not in the house. John called Mia several times but Mia didn’t respond. John and Lisa were really worried. They filed a missing report in the police station, but Mia was nowhere to be found.

It had been a year of police searching Mia. They didn’t even know if Mia was alive. Lisa and John’s relatives had come to meet them. Lisa’s sister Nora and her husband Alex along with Jordan, John’s brother, had come to meet them. They all really loved Mia. They all tried to comfort Lisa and John. Then, they went for lunch.

After Mia could not be found anywhere, John had started becoming really rude to others. During lunch, John even scolded Jordan for nothing. John’s son Ray also asked John why he was being so rude but instead, John scolded Ray and went inside. Jordan also went inside to comfort John. Jordan said,” We have to move on. My wife also died but I moved on.” John said, “It’s easy to give advice. You at least knew that your wife is dead but I don’t even know if my daughter is alive.” Then after a while, everyone was busy with the house chore.

John was sitting outside. Suddenly he saw lights coming from the sky. He heard different noises coming from the forest. He was sure that these noises didn’t come from animals. Then, he ignored it and went inside. He asked Alex if he had found any clue about her daughter as Alex was a police officer. Alex said, 'We're trying our best but we haven’t found any clue related to this case.’ John again felt hopeless.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the jungle. Everyone in the house rushed outside. They saw that all the birds were flying and their dog was also barking towards the jungle. The dog ran inside the jungle as if he was getting called by someone. They all decided that Nora and Lisa would stay in the house and the males would go and see what was happening. Then, Ray, John, Alex, and Jordan hopped in the car and went towards the jungle. After they stopped, Ray and Jordan stayed in the car while Alex and John went in.

Suddenly a blue light was seen. Alex suddenly started acting weird. He continuously stared at the blue light. In the car, the lights started flickering, the wipers started moving and the radio was turned on. To check what the problem was, Jordan stepped out of the car. Then the blue light was also seen there and Jordan also started staring into it. Suddenly, Jordan disappeared and so did the light.

Then, Alex and John also came from the jungle. They asked Ray about Jordan but Ray didn’t know what had happened. Alex was still in his own world and seemed scared. Just to keep Alex and Ray safe, John started the car without searching his brother. When they reached home, John said that he was again going to the jungle to find his brother. John took a fully loaded rifle and went.

He searched for his brother, but Jordan was nowhere to be found. A strange noise came from the jungle which made John really scared. John ran his car at full speed and reached home. They sat together and asked Alex what he had seen in the light but Alex couldn’t describe it properly. Suddenly, a noise came from Mia’s bedroom. A broken toy started working. All the lights and electronic things turned on.

Then because of the high voltage of the current, all electronic items started shattering. All metal items started to act as if any type of magnet was pulling those. The knives were stuck on the wall. All these phenomena were taking place after some kind of orange light had entered the house. Suddenly, the orange light disappeared.

Before, only lights were seen but now some kind of spirit started to walk around the house. The house was already dark as all electronic items had shattered, and the spirit walking around was making the environment creepy. But John didn’t give up and opened the door to see who it was, but no one was there. With relief, they all had just sat on the sofa when the blue light appeared. Alex and John started staring into the light. To be safe from this light, Lisa, Nora and Ray rushed to Mia’s room but the light couldn't be stopped.

The light entered the room. They all stared into the light. They couldn’t move their body even if they wanted to. Lisa saw a long man in the light. The man didn’t have a face; he didn’t have a nose, eyes, ears, or mouth. Lisa caught the man’s hand. She wasn’t aware of what she was doing. Then she saw a vision of the day when Mia had disappeared.

According to the vision, 7-year-old Mia was coloring the scenery and the doorbell rang. Mia opened the door and unexpectedly Alex had come that day. He came inside and asked Mia about her parents. Mia had said that they had gone out. Alex then lets Mia go to her room. He also entered the room with Mia and closed the door. Alex touches Mia in a bad way and molests her. Mia had died. Then, Alex realizes what he had done so he keeps Mia’s dead body in a sack and takes it to the jungle. He had kept the body in the jungle.

Then the vision ends and the long man smiles and disappears. Lisa was feeling really guilty for believing Alex. Lisa’s nose started bleeding and so did the other member’s, because they had also seen the same vision. Nora couldn’t believe what her husband had done to Mia. She started beating Alex but others told her to control her anger. Alex already knew about the vision, because he had to stare at the blue light in the jungle previously.

Then, Alex got arrested. Finally, Mia’s parents were aware that she was no longer alive. To solve this case, a paranormal energy had helped, but no one still knows about the mystery of blue and orange light.