
Student Corner

A Bloody Death

Written by: Sherab Wongbu Sherpa - 30049, Grade VII

Posted on: 03 May, 2024


Once upon a time when ancient legends were believed to be reality, mythical creatures would roam freely, islands would be floating in the vast colorful sky. A king with beige hair and shiny red eyes had a son, Theon and a daughter, Ayrin. The daughter looked more like the king ‘Aslan Lipez’ and the son looked more like the queen ‘Seraphina Lipez’ (A lady with red hair and emerald green eyes). She was the ruler of an empire with strong economic power. ‘Cornelius Crypton’ and ‘Auron Yarrow’ were two dukes of the empire.


Auron Yarrow and Elva Yarrow had a beautiful baby boy, me, ‘Elias Yarrow’. On the day the September fire rose upon the empire, many people had died along with Cornelius Crypton and Auron Yarrow.


I had already been close to the imperial family's children. We used to play in the huge flower meadow that was near the imperial palace.


Apparently, someone had assassinated my dad while traveling to the nearby village and I was adopted by the second duke. As the years passed, all the children and I were already about eighteen. Me and the imperial children were still good friends. I would mostly be researching about the September fire and my father's death.


Today on the spring morning, I received a letter from the imperial family, wherein it was stated that I and a partner of my choice were invited to a royal party which all royal people would be attending. Now, my first priority was to find a partner. I was about to write back to the imperials, when my personal butler, Arson exclaimed “Err…Excuse me prince, your father has asked you to get dressed up because the new duke and his daughter are coming today!” “...okay” I said blankly. After I finished writing, my butler brushed my silky, long purple hair and I chose a suitable outfit. I heard a carriage on front gate, so I thought maybe the second duke and the daughter had arrived. I reached down to the tea room and saw the second duke. He was a tall man with natural white hair and purple eyes (Aragorn Ashbluff) and the daughter too had white hair and purple eyes (Aubrey Ashbluff). They both had a serious look on their faces. As we sat down, Aubrey side-eyed me and gave me a stern look. After some time, I got bored, so I went out to the nearby forest while I was researching about my father's killer. I heard some rustling near the bushes, I carefully drew my sword out and swish! As I slashed the bush, a moment of awkward silence emerged “...And what is your reason to almost cut me in half?” princess Aubrey demanded. “Oh… I apologize. I thought that you were some kind of a beast”, I said. She replied, “Do you remember me?” “No?”, I said.  “Oh god! I was that one kid who was always one step ahead of you and I see that I still am…friends?” she bragged. “Oh, sure.”, I said blankly. “What are you reading?”, she asked. “Oh, I'm just looking for clues about my father’s death.”, I replied. She pulled my hand and took me to a nearby pond. I was confused for a moment, but then I realized she had written with blood ‘Auron Yarrow was very easy to kill.’ “Why!?” I asked her, “Well…your father was always getting in my dad's way for everything! So, I thought why not help my dad! I asked my dad, he was already planning the same thing, so when my father was arguing with your father, I stabbed him directly in the heart.”, she said “Now it's your turn, My dear father has probably finished killing the second duke by now.”, and I yelled, “No!” She put up a long fight, sword to sword. She was too good. As the sun was setting, I apparently got distracted and her father stabbed me from the back and Aubrey beheaded me. The last thing I could see was the beautiful pink sky. “I’ll miss you” I muttered and slowly a long sleep awaited me.