
Student Corner

Is There A Reason We Were Created?

Written by: Remoon Gorkhali - 2023008, Grade IX

Posted on: 21 September, 2020

What is the meaning of life? Why did God create us? Are we just a mistake made by God? Because if we think about it God is an all-powerful being that can create anything they want and if they created us to boost their ego then is there a meaning to our lives and why is God said to have animals as their carts but they want the same animal’s blood and if God is our parent then do you think a parent would want to see their children suffer? So if you think about it, if he is our so-called “parent” then why is every person born different why do some of their children suffer while others are happy? Why is there so much discrimination amongst their children? If we were not a mistake then why do “they” have to make the sun become bigger and eat our solar system just to make it explode and why did God give us knowledge for us to survive later on only to end ourselves. To me somehow the only myth that is believable about our creation is the Norse mythology because in this myth they say that a boy once lived alongside God and he was taxed with naming all the fruits and trees in the garden of God but soon he became lonely and asked God if there was another person like him then God created girls but the girl was soon tempted by a snake “who could talk” and wanted to eat the forbidden fruit which was in the middle of the garden which God said not to go near but the girl was tempted to do so and soon the girl was popularly known as “Eve” also tempted the boy “Adam” into eating the forbidden fruit (apple) and got the knowledge to almost equal of the gods. God found out of the heinous act and punished them by sending them to a place where they had to suffer for eternity which was located between hell and heaven or as we know as “Earth”.