
Student Corner

Nature's Symphony in the Rain

Written by: Deena Thapa - 24019, Grade XII

Posted on: 20 March, 2024

In the hush of twilight's gentle kiss,

A symphony begins nature's bliss.

Clouds gather, pregnant with grace,

As raindrops fall, a soft embrace.


Silver strings of liquid song,

Tap the earth, where they belong.

A dance of droplets, a rhythmic ballet,

Coloring the world in shades of gray.


On rooftops, leaves, and windowpanes,

Nature's tears, a soothing refrain.

A lullaby for the thirsty ground,

In the whispered language of rain.


A fragrance rises from the soil,

Petrichor, a memory to embroil.

Each raindrop, a liquid note,

Playing a melody, by nature wrote.


Puddles form like liquid mirrors,

Reflecting skies, dispelling fears.

Raindrops on petals, a glistening art,

Nature's masterpiece, a work of heart.


In the rhythm of the falling rain,

A cleansing ritual, a soothing balm.

Washing away the dust of time,

Renewing the world, a paradigm.


So, let the raindrops gently fall,

A tender cadence, a universal call.

A serenade from the heavens above,

An ode to nature, an eternal love.