
Student Corner

What Exactly Killed The Dinosaurs? 

Written by: Sanskriti Singh Thakuri - 2025015, Grade VII

Posted on: 21 September, 2020

Dinosaurs went extinct about 66 million years ago. Many theories have been shown but till now none of them are true or scientists haven’t found what exactly happened because they were no proof. The most believed theory till now is, that an asteroid killed all dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were already declining because of climate change in the earth. Let’s go back around 66 million years. Back then, A big-wide asteroid crashed into the earth in the “Yucatan Peninsula.”  Scientists found a layer in rocks, called the K-PG boundary. It is rich in Iridium. Iridium isn’t found on earth’s surface, but is abundant in asteroids, proving that an asteroid crashed the earth. Because of the asteroid crashing on earth, huge rocks were formed and again going down, thus hitting the earth with huge rocks that made dinosaurs extinct.