
Student Corner

My Uncle’s Wedding Party

Written by: Praviksha Joshi - 35018, Grade I

Posted on: 29 February, 2024

We got out of our home at 4:30 p.m. and sat in the taxi. I sat with my grandfather in the front seat, and my grandfather, grandmother, and mother sat in the back seat. The taxi took us to the party palace. We reached the venue, and when we entered the hall, we saw many people. It was Roshan Kaku’s wedding party. I saw another hall with a big stage. There were beautiful flowers on the stage. 

At first, I went to have some soup. It was a vegetable soup. It was tasty, but a bit salty. After a while, my nini came. I hugged and kissed her. My mother and Nini looked beautiful. We had a family photo shoot. We took a lot of pictures. My sister and I were wearing similar dresses. It was a red frock with twinkling laces. 

That evening, I met a new friend. Her name was Adira. We went outside the hall to play and run around. There was a water fountain with some flower pots. After some time, my mother called me. We had our dinner. The dessert was chocolate cake, and it was very delicious. 

I had lots of fun at the party. I made new friends, ate delicious food, and took many pictures. I enjoyed the party very much.