
Student Corner

My Beautiful Village

Written by: Abhinya Ghimire - 34042, Grade II

Posted on: 20 February, 2024

My village's name is Okhaldunga . It is very beautiful and nice . In my village , there are cows , buffaloes , dogs , cats and goats . It is my father’s house . I usually go to my village on holidays . It takes one day to reach there . My grandparents live there. My grandfather is 76 years old and my grandmother is 68 years old . I love my grandparents . My village is big . It has flowers , trees and plants like lotus , rose and orange trees . My grandparents have  two houses and a two story building . I also have a pet dog in my village . It is black in color . Its name is Kale . It is a handsome male dog . He has black fur and black eyes . I also have a pet bird . It is blue and black in color . I love my village!